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Sexed Up

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Maria Maag (DK) - April 2015
Sexed Up (Radio Edit) - Robbie Williams
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Sequences: A, B, Tag 16 counts, A, B, Tag 4 counts, A 24 counts, hold 3 counts, Tag 16 counts, B, A 33 counts.
Intro: 16 counts from first beat

#3 Tags: -
Tag 1: 16 counts after wall 2 (after 1st B ) ( facing 06:00 )
Tag 2: 4 counts after wall 4 ( after 2nd B ) ( facing 12:00 )
Tag 3: ( to face 12:00 make another ¼ turn L in the hitch turn ) (1) then 3 counts hold ( 2-3-4 ) then 16 counts Tag after the hold. ( after 3rd A ) ( same as Tag 1 )

Ending: After 33 count of the 4th. A ( facing 12:00 ) … The End

Part A – 56 counts – 1 wall
A[1 – 8] Step fw. R, step ½ turn R step, 1 ¼ triple L, back rock L, step L and ½ Fan R, run 2 x 1/8 R with R+L
1-2&Step fw. R (1), step fw. L (2), make a ½ turn R stepping down R (&) 06:00
3-4&Step fw. L (3), make a ½ turn L stepping back R (4), make a ½ turn L stepping fw. L 06:00
5-6&Turn ¼ L stepping R to side (5), rock back L (6), recover R (&) 03:00
7-8&Step L to side and do a ½ fan turn R (7), turn 1/8 R run fw. R (8), turn 1/8 R run fw. L (&) 12:00

A[9 – 16] Step fw. R and sweep L, weave R and sweep R, behind ¼ L ¼ L and sway R L, basic R
1–2&Step fw. R and sweep L fw. (1), cross L over R (2), step R to side (&) 12:00
3-4&Cross L behind R and sweep R back (3), cross R behind L (4), turn ¼ L stepping fw. L (&) 09:00
5-6Turn ¼ L stepping R to side and sway R (5), sway L (6) 06:00
7-8&Step R to side (7), close L behind R (8), cross R over L (&) 06:00

A[17 – 24] Diamant 2 x ¼ R, basic L, ¼ L stepping back R run back L R
1-2&Step L to side (1), turn 1/8 R stepping back R (2), step back L (&) 07:30
3-4&Turn 1/8 R stepping R to side (3), turn 1/8 R stepping fw. L (4), step fw. R (&) 10:30
5-6&Turn 1/8 R stepping L to side (5), close R behind L (6), cross L over R (&) 12:00
7-8&Turn ¼ L stepping back R (7), run back L (8), run back R (&) 09:00

A[25 – 32] ½ turn L with R hitch, Step R fw, ½ turn L step fw. R, full turn R, ½ turn R sweep R, back rock R recover L, turn 1/8 R, cross side
1-2&Make a ½ turn L stepping down L and do a small hitch with R (1), step fw. R (2), make a ½ turn L stepping down L (&) Wall 5: Hold for 3 counts ( facing 12:00 ) 09:00
3-4&Step fw. R (3), make a ½ turn R stepping back L (4), make a ½ turn R stepping fw. R (&) 09:00
5-6Make a ½ turn R stepping back L and sweep R back (5), rock back R (6) 03:00
7-8&Recover L (7), turn 1/8 R crossing R over L (8), step L to side (&) 04:30

A[33 – 40] Cross R, side rock cross rock side rock L, cross L, side rock cross rock side rock R
1-2&Cross R over L (1) square up to 6 o`clock ( 1/8 turn R ) and rock L to side (2), recover R (&) 06:00
3&4&Cross rock L over R (3), recover R (&), rock L to side (4), recover R (&) 06:00
5-6&Cross L over R (5), rock R to side (6), recover L (&) 06:00
7&8&Cross rock R over L (7), recover L (&), rock R to side (8), recover L (&) 06:00

A[41 – 48] Weave L, touch R behind L unwind ½ R, sweep L, cross L, ¼ L syncopated coaster step back R
1&2&Cross R over L (1), step L to side (&), cross R behind L (2), step L to side (&) 06:00
3&4&Cross R over L (3), step L to side (&), touch R behind L (4), make a ½ turn R on R (&) 12:00
5-6&Sweep L fw. (5), cross L over R (6), turn ¼ L stepping back R (&) 09:00
7-8Step L next to R (7), step fw. R (8) 09:00

A[49 – 56] Step ½ turn R, step ½ turn R, step ½ turn R, rock fw. L recover R, ½ turn L, step ½ turn L, ¼ L side step R touch L, side step L touch R
1&2&Step fw. L (1), make a ½ turn R stepping down R (&), Step fw. L (2), make a ½ turn R stepping down R (&), 09:00
3&4&Step fw. L (3), make a ½ turn R stepping down R (&), rock fw. L (4), recover R (&) 03:00
5-6&Make a ½ turn L stepping down L (5), step fw. R (6), make a ½ turn L stepping down L (&) 03:00
7&8&Turn ¼ L step R to side (7), touch L next to R (&), step L to side (8), touch R next to L (&) 12:00

Part B – 28 counts – 2 wall
B[1 – 8] Basic R, basic L, side rock, cross ¼ R back, turn ¼ R and sway, recover L drag R next to L
1-2&Step R to side (1), close L behind R (2), cross R over L (&) 12:00
3-4&Step L to side (3), close R behind L (4), cross L over R 12:00
5&6&Rock R to side (5), recover L (&), cross R over L (6), turn ¼ R stepping back L (&) 03:00
7-8Turn ¼ R and sway R (7), recover L and drag R next to L (8) 06:00

B[9 – 16] Basic R, basic L, side rock, cross ¼ R back, turn ¼ R and sway, recover L drag R next to L
1–2&Step R to side (1), close L behind R (2), cross R over L (&) 06:00
3-4&Step L to side (3), close R behind L (4), cross L over R 06:00
5&6&Rock R to side (5), recover L (&), cross R over L (6), turn ¼ R stepping back L (&) 09:00
7-8Turn ¼ R and sway R (7), recover L and drag R next to L (8) 12:00

B[17 – 24] Side R, behind side step fw L, step fw. R ½ turn L. rocking chair fw, back, extended lock step fw. R
1-2&Step R to side (1), cross L behind R (2), step R to side (&) 12:00
3-4&Step fw. L (3), step fw. R (4), make a ½ turn L stepping down L (&) 06:00
5&6&Rock fw. R (5), recover L (&), rock back R (6), recover L (&) 06:00
7&8&Step fw. R (7), lock L behind R (&), step fw. R (8), lock L behind R (&) 06:00

B[25 – 28] Step fw. R and sweep L, syncopated jazz box L
1-2&Step fw. R and sweep L (1), cross L over R (2), step back R (&) 06:00
3-4Step L to side (3), touch R next to L (4) 06:00

[1 – 8] Figure 8 R
1-2&Step R to side (1), cross L behind R (2), turn ¼ R stepping down R (&)
3-4&Step fw. L (3), make a ½ turn R stepping down R (4), turn ¼ R stepping L to side (&)
5-6&Cross R behind L (5), turn ¼ L stepping down L (6), step fw. R (&)
7-8Make a ½ turn L stepping down L (7), turn ¼ L on L sweep R and touch R next to L (8)
[9-16] Repeat counts 1-8

Tag 2:
[1-4] Basic R, basic L
1-2&Step R to side (1), close L behind (2), cross R over L (&)
3-4&Step L to side (3), close R behind L (4), cross L over R (&)




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