High Beginner
Start dance on vocals:
1 2 3 4Step left, touch right beside, step right, step left together
5 6 7 8Step right, touch left beside, step left, step right together
1 2 3 4Step left, sweep right back making ¾ right turn, step right beside, step left beside (3.00)
5 6 7 8Step right forward, hold, rock left forward, recover right
1 2 3 4Step left back, sweep right from front to back, step right behind left, step left to left
5 6 7 8Cross right over left, sweep left from back to front, cross left over right, step right to right
1 2 3 4¼ left turn step left back, touch right beside, ½ right turn step right forward, ½ right turn step left back (6.00)
5 6 7 8Step right back, touch left beside, step left forward, step right beside
End of: -
Wall 3 do Tag 1
Wall 8 do Tag 1
Wall 9 do Tag 1 + Tag 2
Wall 10 do Tag 1
Wall 11 do Tag 1 +Tag 3
Tag 1: 8 counts:
1 2 3 4Step left and bump hip to the left 4 times
5 6 7 8Step right and bump hips to the right 4 times
Tag 2: 4 counts:
1 2 3 4¼ left turn step left forward, step right beside, ¼ left turn step left forward, step right beside
Tag 3: 5 counts:
1 2 3 4 5Make a full left turn on 4 counts; then step left forward and pose !!
1 2 3 4Step left, touch right beside, step right, step left together
5 6 7 8Step right, touch left beside, step left, step right together
1 2 3 4Step left, sweep right back making ¾ right turn, step right beside, step left beside (3.00)
5 6 7 8Step right forward, hold, rock left forward, recover right
1 2 3 4Step left back, sweep right from front to back, step right behind left, step left to left
5 6 7 8Cross right over left, sweep left from back to front, cross left over right, step right to right
1 2 3 4¼ left turn step left back, touch right beside, ½ right turn step right forward, ½ right turn step left back (6.00)
5 6 7 8Step right back, touch left beside, step left forward, step right beside
End of: -
Wall 3 do Tag 1
Wall 8 do Tag 1
Wall 9 do Tag 1 + Tag 2
Wall 10 do Tag 1
Wall 11 do Tag 1 +Tag 3
Tag 1: 8 counts:
1 2 3 4Step left and bump hip to the left 4 times
5 6 7 8Step right and bump hips to the right 4 times
Tag 2: 4 counts:
1 2 3 4¼ left turn step left forward, step right beside, ¼ left turn step left forward, step right beside
Tag 3: 5 counts:
1 2 3 4 5Make a full left turn on 4 counts; then step left forward and pose !!