CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Paul James (UK) & David-Ian Blakeley (UK) - November 2014
What Is Love - Kiesza : (iTunes)
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Intro: 32 counts

[1-8] R Sweep (forward) , R Cross , L Back, R Side, L Cross, R Side, Together R Sweep (behind), R Cross Behind, L Side, R Step Fwd, ½ Pivot Turn.
1, 2Sweep right foot in front of left (1), Cross right over left (2)
&3, &4Step back on left foot (&), step right to right side (3), Cross left over right (&), step right to right (4)
5, 6&Stepping left slightly behind right, sweep right foot out and around (5), Cross right behind left (6), Step left to left (&)
7, 8Step right foot forward (7), Pivot ½ turn left placing weight on to left foot (8). (6.00)

[9-16] Sugar push forward with ¼ turn R, L Behind, R Side, L in Front, Step R Fwd, Pivot ½ turn left, ½ turn left (End with closed feet).
1, 2Walk forward right foot (1), Walk forward left foot (2)
3 & 4Close right instep behind left heel (3), step left in place (&), make ¼ turn right stepping right to right (4)
5 & 6Step left behind right (5), Step right to right side (&), Step left slightly in front of right (6)
7 & 8Step forward on right foot (7), Pivot ½ turn left (&), With weight still on left make ½ turn left closing right next to left and taking the weight (8) (9.00)

[17-24] Funky walks back, L Behind, R Side, L In Front, R Step Fwd, ½ Pivot Turn, Touch.
1 & 2 &Step slightly back on left foot whilst fanning right toe out (putting weight onto heels with each step) (1), Touch right next to left (&), Step slightly back on right foot whilst fanning left toe out (2), Touch left next to right (&)
3 & 4Step slightly back on left foot whilst fanning right toe out (putting weight onto heels with each step) (3), Touch right next to left (&), Step slightly back on right foot whilst fanning left toe out (4).
5 & 6Step left behind right (5), step right to right side (&), Step left foot forward (6)
7 & 8Step forward on right foot (7), Pivot ½ turn left (&), Touch right next to left (8) (3.00)

[25-32] Rock, Rock, Rock & Cross R Over, L Coaster Step, Step R Fwd, Lock L Behind R, R Step Fwd, Touch.
1, 2Rock right to right side (1), Rock left to left (2)
3 & 4Rock right to right side (3), Recover on left (&), Cross right over left (4)
5 & 6Step back on left (5), Step right next to left (&), Step forward on left (6)
7 & 8 &Step forward on right (7), Lock left behind right (&), Step forward on right (8), Touch left next to right (&) (3.00)

[33-40] Large Step to L diagonal, Drag R next to L, Anchor right behind left, Step L In Place, ½ Turn R Stepping R Forward, Step L Fwd, ½ Pivot Turn, Step L Fwd, Step R Fwd, Quick Walks x 2.
1, 2With left foot take a large step left diagonally forward (1), Drag right next to left (2)
3 & 4Close right instep behind left heel (3), Step left in place (&), Make ½ turn right stepping forward on right 7:00 (4)
5 & 6Step forward on left foot (5), Pivot ½ turn right 1:00 (&), Step forward on left (6)
7, 8 &Step forward on right foot (7), Step forward on left foot (8), Step forward on right foot (&) (1.00)

[41-48] Large Step to L diagonal (1.00), Step R next to L, Step L In Place, ½ Turn R (7.00) R Step Fwd, 1 & ½ Turn over R (end facing 1.00 stepping back on L) Quick Walks Back x 2, Point R Back, ½ Pivot Turn (Weight ends on R).
1, 2With left foot take a large step left diagonally forward dragging right foot (1), Step right foot next to left (2)
& 3Step left in place (&) Make ½ turn right stepping forward on right 7.00 (3)
4 & 5Make ½ turn right stepping back on left 1.00 (4), Make ½ turn right stepping forward right 7.00 (&), Make ½ turn right stepping back on left 1.00 (5)
6 & 7Step back right (6), Step back left (&), Point right toe back (7)
8Turn ½ right placing the weight on right (8) (7.00)

[49-56] Walks Fwd x 2, Rock Forward & Recover & Step Back, R Step Back, ¼ L into Syncopated Weave, Cross behind, Unwind ½ Turn.
1, 2(Squaring up to face 9.00) Walk forward left (1), Walk forward right (2)
3 & 4Rock forward left foot (3), Recover weight onto right (&), Step back left (4)
5 & 6Step back right (5), ¼ turn left stepping onto left (&) Cross right over left (6)
& 7Step left to left (&), Cross right behind left (7)
8Unwind ½ turn right, weight ending on right (8) (12.00)

[57-64] Dorothy Steps L & R, L Mambo Fwd, Step R Fwd, ½ Pivot Turn, Full Turn over L.
1, 2 &Step left forward, slightly diagonal, (1), Step right behind left (2), Step left next to right (&)
3, 4 &Step right forward, slightly diagonal, (3), Step left behind right (4), Step right next to left (&)
5 & 6Rock left foot forward (5), Recover weight onto right (&), Step left next to right (6)
& 7Step forward right (&), ½ turn left, weight ending on left (7)
8 &½ turn left stepping back on right (8), ½ turn left stepping forward left (&) (6.00)

Start again…. Happy Dancing

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