Notes: get singing to the old classics.
[1-8] Grapevine right, step across, right Chasse, rock back , recover.
1234-Step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right side, step left across right.
5&6 78-step right to right side, step left to right, step right to right side. Rock back on the left, recover weight onto right.
[9-16] Grapevine left, step across, left Chasse, rock back, recover.
1234-Step left to left side , step right behind left, step left to left side, step right across left.
5&6 78-step left to left side, step right to left, step left to left side. Rock back on the right, recover weight onto left.
( RESTART wall 4 )
[17-24] Step right, kick left, step left, kick right, jazz box, scuff.
1234-step right to right side, kick left diagonally forward across right. Repeat to the left.
(Tag here on wall 7 )
5678-step right across left, step back on the left, step right slightly to right side, scuff left forward.
[25-32] Step ½ turn right step, clap. Step ¼ turn left step, clap.
1234-step forward on the left, pivot ½ over right shoulder, step forward on the left, clap.
5678-step forward on the right, pivot ¼ over left shoulder, step forward on the right, clap.
[33-40] Walk forward x3, kick right, walk back x2, right coaster step.
1234-walk forward left, right, left. Kick right forward.
56 7&8 -walk back right, left. Step back on the right, step left to right, step forward on the right.
[41-48] point side, hitch, point side, flick, grapevine left, touch.
1234-point left to left side, hitch left knee up, point left to left side, flick left leg behind.
5678-step left to left side, step right behind left, step left to left side, touch right beside left.
[49-56] Turning vine right, touch, step side, touch , step side, touch ( rolling arms in front of body)
1234-making a full turn travelling to the right step right, left, right, touch left beside right.
5678-step left to left side, touch right slightly to right side, step right to right side, touch left slightly to left side.
[57-64] rock forward recover, shuffle ½ left, jump out out, clap, hip bumps x2
12 3&4-rock forward on the left, recover weight onto right. Making ½ turn over left shoulder, step forward on the left, step right to left, step forward on the left.
&56 78-Jump right out, then left out, clap. Bump hips to the right, bump hips to the left.
TAG – ( end of wall 5 & wall 7 after 20 counts )
[1-4] right jazz box with a cross.
1234-cross right over left, step back on the left, step right to right side, cross left over right.
RESTART – wall 4 after 16 counts
Contact me – or website –
Last Update – 6th April 2015
[1-8] Grapevine right, step across, right Chasse, rock back , recover.
1234-Step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right side, step left across right.
5&6 78-step right to right side, step left to right, step right to right side. Rock back on the left, recover weight onto right.
[9-16] Grapevine left, step across, left Chasse, rock back, recover.
1234-Step left to left side , step right behind left, step left to left side, step right across left.
5&6 78-step left to left side, step right to left, step left to left side. Rock back on the right, recover weight onto left.
( RESTART wall 4 )
[17-24] Step right, kick left, step left, kick right, jazz box, scuff.
1234-step right to right side, kick left diagonally forward across right. Repeat to the left.
(Tag here on wall 7 )
5678-step right across left, step back on the left, step right slightly to right side, scuff left forward.
[25-32] Step ½ turn right step, clap. Step ¼ turn left step, clap.
1234-step forward on the left, pivot ½ over right shoulder, step forward on the left, clap.
5678-step forward on the right, pivot ¼ over left shoulder, step forward on the right, clap.
[33-40] Walk forward x3, kick right, walk back x2, right coaster step.
1234-walk forward left, right, left. Kick right forward.
56 7&8 -walk back right, left. Step back on the right, step left to right, step forward on the right.
[41-48] point side, hitch, point side, flick, grapevine left, touch.
1234-point left to left side, hitch left knee up, point left to left side, flick left leg behind.
5678-step left to left side, step right behind left, step left to left side, touch right beside left.
[49-56] Turning vine right, touch, step side, touch , step side, touch ( rolling arms in front of body)
1234-making a full turn travelling to the right step right, left, right, touch left beside right.
5678-step left to left side, touch right slightly to right side, step right to right side, touch left slightly to left side.
[57-64] rock forward recover, shuffle ½ left, jump out out, clap, hip bumps x2
12 3&4-rock forward on the left, recover weight onto right. Making ½ turn over left shoulder, step forward on the left, step right to left, step forward on the left.
&56 78-Jump right out, then left out, clap. Bump hips to the right, bump hips to the left.
TAG – ( end of wall 5 & wall 7 after 20 counts )
[1-4] right jazz box with a cross.
1234-cross right over left, step back on the left, step right to right side, cross left over right.
RESTART – wall 4 after 16 counts
Contact me – or website –
Last Update – 6th April 2015