Easy Novice
Intro - 8 counts. (Sequence: 64, 64, 1st Tag, 64, 64, 32, 2nd Tag, 64, 32, ending) (Two Tags & No Restarts)..
Sec 1: [1-8] Stamp, Hold, Sailor Step, Jump Both Feet Apart Back, Twisting Heels, & Cross, Hold.
1-2Stamp Rt out to right, Hold.
3&4Step Lt behind Rt, step Rt to the Rt, step Lf to the left take weight onto both feet.
&5&6Jump both feet apart (&5), twisting both heels out, twisting both heels back to centre.
&7-8Step Rt back, cross Lt over Rt, Hold (Optional: holding your hands across your chest).
Sec 2: [9-16] Side Rock, Recover, Cross Shuffle, Side Rock, Recover, ¼ Sailor Turn R.
1-2Rock Rt to the right, recover on Lt.
3&4Cross Rt over Lt, step Lt slightly to left, cross Rt over Lt.
5-6Rock Lt to the left, recover on Rt.
7&8Step Lt behind Rt, turn ¼ right (3) step Rt to the right, step Lt slightly fwd.
Sec 3: [17-24] Brush Fwd, Brush Back Hook, Shuffle Fwd, Point, ¼ L, Hook, Lock Step Fwd.
1-2Brush right forward, Brush right toe back as hook right over left.
3&4Step Rt fwd, step Lt next to Rt, step Rt slightly fwd.
5-6Point Lt out to left, turn ¼ left (12) hook Lt up across Rt.
7&8Step Lt fwd, lock Rt behind Lt, step Lt slightly fwd.
Sec 4: [25-32] Stamp Out, Stamp Out, 3 Travelling Swivels (Rambles), Sailor Step, Point Back, Unwind ½ L.
1-2Stamp Rt out to right, stamp Lt out to left.
3&4Moving to left side: Swivel both heels to left, both toes to left, both heels to left weight onto Lt.
5&6Step Rt behind Lt, step Lt to left, step Rt to right.
7-8Point Lf back, unwind ½ left (6) take weight onto Lf.
**2nd Tag here WALL 5 after 32 count (facing 12 o`clock ), after start again (facing 12 o`clock).
Sec 5: [33-40] Side Rock, Recover, Sailor Step, Dip, Kick, ½ Triple Turn R.
1-2Rock Rt to the right, recover on Lt.
3&4Step Rt behind Lt, step Lt to left, step Rt to right take weight onto both feet.
5-6Bend both knees, then come up and kick Rt diagonal fwd.
7&8Triple 1/2 right (12) step Rt slightly fwd, step Lt beside Rt, step Rt slightly fwd.
Sec 6: [41-48] Fwd Rock, Recover, ½ Triple L, Touch & Touch, 1/8 L, Back Rock, Recover.
1-2Rock Lt fwd, recover on Rt.
3&4Triple 1/2 left (6) step Lt slightly fwd, step Rt beside Lt, step Lt slightly fwd.
5&6Touch Rt out to right, step Rt next to Lt, touch Lt out to left.
&7-8Turn 1/8 left step Lt sligltly back, rock Rt back, recover on Lf (diagonal).
Sec 7: [49-56] Walks Fwd R-L, 3/8 Shuffle Turn L Back, Back Rock, Recover, Kick ball Step.
1-2On the diagonal walk Rt fwd, walk Lt fwd.
3&4Turn 3/8 left (12) step Rt back, step Lf next to left, step Rt back.
5-6Rock Lt back, recover on Rt.
7&8Kick Lt slightly diagonal fwd, step Lt back in place on ball, step Rt fwd.
Sec 8: [57-64] Fwd Rock, Recover, ¼ L, L Chasse ¼ L, R Jazz Box.
1-2Rock Lt fwd, recover on Rt.
3&4Turn ¼ left (9) step Lt to the left, step Rt next to Lt, turn ¼ left (6) step Lt fwd.
5-8Cross Rt over Lt, step Lt back, step Rt to the right, step Lt slightly fwd.
*1st Tag here WALL 2 after 64 count (facing 6 o`clock ), after start again (facing 12 o`clock).
*1st Tag: 2x ½ pivot turn L.
1-4Step Rt fwd, turn ½ left take weight onto Lt, step Rt fwd, turn ½ left take weight onto Lt (12:00)
**2nd Tag: 2x ¼ Pivot turn L, R Jazz Box.
1-4Step Rt fwd, turn ¼ left take weight onto Lt, step Rt fwd, turn ¼ left take weight onto Lt.
5-8Cross Rt over Lt, step Lt back, step Rt to the right, step Lt slightly fwd. (12:00)
Start again and have fun!
Last Update - 22nd March 2015
Sec 1: [1-8] Stamp, Hold, Sailor Step, Jump Both Feet Apart Back, Twisting Heels, & Cross, Hold.
1-2Stamp Rt out to right, Hold.
3&4Step Lt behind Rt, step Rt to the Rt, step Lf to the left take weight onto both feet.
&5&6Jump both feet apart (&5), twisting both heels out, twisting both heels back to centre.
&7-8Step Rt back, cross Lt over Rt, Hold (Optional: holding your hands across your chest).
Sec 2: [9-16] Side Rock, Recover, Cross Shuffle, Side Rock, Recover, ¼ Sailor Turn R.
1-2Rock Rt to the right, recover on Lt.
3&4Cross Rt over Lt, step Lt slightly to left, cross Rt over Lt.
5-6Rock Lt to the left, recover on Rt.
7&8Step Lt behind Rt, turn ¼ right (3) step Rt to the right, step Lt slightly fwd.
Sec 3: [17-24] Brush Fwd, Brush Back Hook, Shuffle Fwd, Point, ¼ L, Hook, Lock Step Fwd.
1-2Brush right forward, Brush right toe back as hook right over left.
3&4Step Rt fwd, step Lt next to Rt, step Rt slightly fwd.
5-6Point Lt out to left, turn ¼ left (12) hook Lt up across Rt.
7&8Step Lt fwd, lock Rt behind Lt, step Lt slightly fwd.
Sec 4: [25-32] Stamp Out, Stamp Out, 3 Travelling Swivels (Rambles), Sailor Step, Point Back, Unwind ½ L.
1-2Stamp Rt out to right, stamp Lt out to left.
3&4Moving to left side: Swivel both heels to left, both toes to left, both heels to left weight onto Lt.
5&6Step Rt behind Lt, step Lt to left, step Rt to right.
7-8Point Lf back, unwind ½ left (6) take weight onto Lf.
**2nd Tag here WALL 5 after 32 count (facing 12 o`clock ), after start again (facing 12 o`clock).
Sec 5: [33-40] Side Rock, Recover, Sailor Step, Dip, Kick, ½ Triple Turn R.
1-2Rock Rt to the right, recover on Lt.
3&4Step Rt behind Lt, step Lt to left, step Rt to right take weight onto both feet.
5-6Bend both knees, then come up and kick Rt diagonal fwd.
7&8Triple 1/2 right (12) step Rt slightly fwd, step Lt beside Rt, step Rt slightly fwd.
Sec 6: [41-48] Fwd Rock, Recover, ½ Triple L, Touch & Touch, 1/8 L, Back Rock, Recover.
1-2Rock Lt fwd, recover on Rt.
3&4Triple 1/2 left (6) step Lt slightly fwd, step Rt beside Lt, step Lt slightly fwd.
5&6Touch Rt out to right, step Rt next to Lt, touch Lt out to left.
&7-8Turn 1/8 left step Lt sligltly back, rock Rt back, recover on Lf (diagonal).
Sec 7: [49-56] Walks Fwd R-L, 3/8 Shuffle Turn L Back, Back Rock, Recover, Kick ball Step.
1-2On the diagonal walk Rt fwd, walk Lt fwd.
3&4Turn 3/8 left (12) step Rt back, step Lf next to left, step Rt back.
5-6Rock Lt back, recover on Rt.
7&8Kick Lt slightly diagonal fwd, step Lt back in place on ball, step Rt fwd.
Sec 8: [57-64] Fwd Rock, Recover, ¼ L, L Chasse ¼ L, R Jazz Box.
1-2Rock Lt fwd, recover on Rt.
3&4Turn ¼ left (9) step Lt to the left, step Rt next to Lt, turn ¼ left (6) step Lt fwd.
5-8Cross Rt over Lt, step Lt back, step Rt to the right, step Lt slightly fwd.
*1st Tag here WALL 2 after 64 count (facing 6 o`clock ), after start again (facing 12 o`clock).
*1st Tag: 2x ½ pivot turn L.
1-4Step Rt fwd, turn ½ left take weight onto Lt, step Rt fwd, turn ½ left take weight onto Lt (12:00)
**2nd Tag: 2x ¼ Pivot turn L, R Jazz Box.
1-4Step Rt fwd, turn ¼ left take weight onto Lt, step Rt fwd, turn ¼ left take weight onto Lt.
5-8Cross Rt over Lt, step Lt back, step Rt to the right, step Lt slightly fwd. (12:00)
Start again and have fun!
Last Update - 22nd March 2015