CopperKnob Stepsheets

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War Of The Worlds

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Suzi Beau (ENG) - March 2015
Forever Autumn - The Moody Blues
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Intro: 8 Counts start before vocals

SECTION 1: Step, Sweep, Cross, Side, behind, ¼ rock, ¼ recover, behind, side, rock behind, sweep behind, ¼ forward
1&Step forward on Right sweep Left round infront of right
2&Cross left over right step right to right side
3&Step left behind right turn ¼ right stepping right forward
4&Turn ¼ right rocking left to left side and recover on right
5&Step left behind right, rock right to right side
6&Recover on left step right behind left
7&Sweep Left round to the back
8&Step Left behind right turn ¼ right stepping forward right

SECTION 2: walk, run, run, forward rock, back sweep, behind ¼, forward, full spiral right, right shuffle forward
1-2&Walk forward on left run forward right left
3&Rock forward on right recover on left
4&Step step back on right sweep left behind right
5&6&step behind on left turn ¼ right stepping forward right step forward left spinning full turn on ball of left foot on the & count
7&8Step right forward, step left to right, step right forward

SECTION 3: Cross back, ¼ right, drag, rock back, rock side, drag back, rock step, half full turn right (easier option Shuffle forward left)
1&2&Cross left slightly over right, step back right, turn ¼ left stepping left to left side drag right to left
3&4&Rock back on right recover left take a big step to right side drag left to right
5&6&Rock back on left recover right. Step forward left pivot half right
7&8Full turn right stepping left right left
RESTART here on wall 3 only

SECTION 4: Walk, hold, forward rock, ¼ left, hold, cross rock, ¼ right, step ½ right, ¼ behind, ¼ Step ½
1&2&Walk forward right hold, rock forward left recover right
3&4&Turn ¼ left stepping left to left side hold cross rock right over left recover left
5&6&Turn ¼ right stepping right forward, step forward left pivot half right, turn ¼ right stepping left to left side
7&8&Step right behind left turn ¼ left stepping left forward, step forward right pivot half left. Weight should be on left to finish.

Start again

Restart wall 3 at the end of section 3.



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