CopperKnob Stepsheets

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(Waiting For) The World To End

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Easy Improver
LTD Tucker (BEL) - March 2015
(Waiting For) The World To End - The Mavericks : (CD: The Mavericks)
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Step Forward Right . Toe Touch . Replace Left . Toe Touch . Step Lock Step . Scuff
1-4Step forward on right .touch left toe behind right .replace left . touch right toe across left
5-8Step forward on right .lock left behind right step forward on right. scuff left forward

Step Forward Left . Toe Touch . Replace Right . Toe Touch . Step Lock Step . Scuff
1-4Step forward on left touch right toe behind left .replace right . touch left toe across right
5-8Step forward on left . lock right behind left .step forward on left . scuff right across left

Jazz Box ¼ Turn Right . ½ Montery Turn Right
1-4Step right over left . step back on left . step right ¼ turn right . step left next to right
5-8Point right to right turning ½ right on ball of left step right next to left . point left to left step left next to right

Diagonal Cross Kick x2 . Chasse Right . Diagonal Cross Kick x2 . Chasse Left
1-2kick Right diagonal across left . kick right diagonal across left
3&4Step right to right , place left next to right , step right to right
5-6Kick left diagonal across right , kick left diagonal across right
7&8Step left to left , place right next to left .step left to left

Start Again

Tag : Occurs at the end of wall 5
½ Monterey turn right
1-4Point right to right turning ¼ right on ball of left . step right next to left . point left to left step left next to right
5-8Point right to right turning ¼ right on ball of left . step right next to left . point left to left . step left next to right … Facing 3 o’clock

Tag/Restart dance : on section one, after count-8 during walls 10 & 15 ( facing 3 o’clock )
Step Forward Right . Toe Touch . Replace Left . Toe touch . Step Lock Step . Stomp Right
1-4Step forward on right .touch left toe behind right . replace left . touch right toe over left foot
5-8Step forward on right . lock left behind right . step forward on right . stomp left next to right Restart the dance

Contact: Submitted by - Erwin Knierim:


cheinric June 29, 2015
are you planning on having a video of this dance on you tube?? loved the one you did of dance in the moonlight!!

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