CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Easy Intermediate
Richard Palmer (UK), Lorna Dennis (UK) & Cathy Hodgson (UK) - February 2015
L'amore E' Femmina - Nina Zilli : (Eurovision 2012 - iTunes)
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Start after 20 counts

Section 1: Rock, recover, coaster step, left Dorothy step, ¼ turn left
1 – 2rock forward on right, recover weight onto left
3 & 4step back on right, step left next to right, step forward on right
5 – 6&step left forward, lock step right to left, step forward on left
7 – 8step forward on right, make ¼ turn left with weight ending on left

Section 2: Weave left, point, syncopated cross points, cross rock, recover
1 - 4cross step right over left, step left to left side, cross step right behind left, point left to left side
5 - 6cross step left over right, point right out to right side
&7step right next to left, point left out to left side,
8 – 1cross rock left over right, recover weight onto right

Section 3: Chasse left, rock back, recover, weave right with ¼ turn
2 & 3step left to left side, close right next to left, step left to left side
4 – 5rock back diagonally on right, recover weight onto left
6 – 8step right to right side, cross step left behind right, ¼ turn right stepping forward on right

Section 4: Finish weave with ¼ turns, brush, 2 x step ½ turns left
1 – 2make another ¼ turn right stepping left to left side, cross step right behind left
3 – 4¼ turn left stepping forward on left, brush right foot forward
5 – 6step forward on right, ½ turn over left shoulder weight ending on left
7 – 8step forward on right, ½ turn over left shoulder weight ending on left

Section 5: Rock recover, ¼ chasse right, cross rock, recover, step left side, hold
1 – 2rock forward on right, recover weight onto left
3 & 4¼ turn right stepping right to right side, step left next to right, step right to right side
5 – 6cross rock left over right, recover weight onto right
7 – 8step left to left side, hold

Section 6: Syncopated side, touch, side, 2 x sailor steps
&1 - 2step right next to left, step left to left side, touch right next to left
3 – 4step right to right side, hold
5 & 6step left behind right, bring right to right side, step left to left side
7 & 8step right behind left, bring left to left side, step right to right side

Section 7: Touch behind, unwind, step, ½ turn left, right lock step
1 – 2touch left toe back, unwind ½ turn over left shoulder bringing weight onto left
3 – 4step forwards on right, ½ turn over left shoulder weight ending on left
5 – 8step forward on right, lock step left to right, step forward on right, brush left foot forward

Section 8: Left lock step, right rocking chair
1 – 4step forward on left, lock step right to left, step forward on left, brush right foot forward
5 – 8rock forward on right, recover weight onto left, rock back on right, recover weight onto left
Optional – counts 5-8 can be replaced with 2 x step ½ turns

Tag – at the end of wall 2 facing the back wall
Side, touch, ¼ turn left, touch x 4, clicking fingers on the “touch” steps
1 – 4step right to right side,touch left next to right, ¼ left stepping forward left, touch right next to left
5 – 8step right to right side,touch left next to right, ¼ left stepping forward left, touch right next to left
9 – 12step right to right side,touch left next to right, ¼ left stepping forward left, touch right next to left
13- 16step right to right side,touch left next to right, ¼ left stepping forward left, touch right next to left



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