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All You Had To Do Was Stay

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Phrased Low Intermediate
Bobby Houle (CAN) - February 2015
All You Had To Do Was Stay - Taylor Swift
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Sequence: A-B-C A-B-C -B-C -B-B (C- final)

A-32 counts
[1-8] Rock step, coaster step, rock step, shuffle 1\2 turn R
1-2Rock left forward, back to R
3&4Left foot back, Right beside left, left forward
5-6Rock Right forward, back to L
7&8Shuffle 1\2 turn R ( RLR) (6 oclock)

[9-16] Repeat 1-8 (12 oclock)

[17-24] Side rock, behind side cross, side rock, behind side cross
1-2Side rock left, return to right
3&4Cross Left behind right, Right to R, Left cross in front of right
5-8Repeat 1-4 from right side

[25-32] Side, behind, shuffle 1\4 turn L, step, pivot 1\2 turn L, shuffle forward
1-2Left foot to L, right cross behind left
3&4Shuffle 1\4 turn L (LRL)
5-6Right foot forward, pivot 1\2 turn L
7&8Shuffle forward (RLR) (3 oclock)

B-32 counts
[1-8] Step, Sweep, Shuffle (X2)
1-2left crosses slightly in front of R, sweep R from back to front
3 & 4Right forward, left beside R, right forward
5-8Repeat 1-4

[9-16] Rock Step, Shuffle 1/2 Turn Left, Step, Pivot 1/2 Turn Left, Step, Pivot
1-2Rock left forward, return on r
3 & 4Left foot to left 1/4 turn L, right foot beside left, left forward 1/4 turn left
5-6Right forward, pivot 1/2 turn left
7 & 8Right forward, pivot 1/4 turn left, cross R in front of left (12 oclock)

[17-24] Step, Slide With Touch, Weave (X2)
1-2Left to left, slide R beside left ending with a touch
3 & 4Right cross behind L, left to L, right cross in front of L
5-6Repeat 1-4

[25-32] Step, Together, Weave, Large Step, Shuffle Forward
1-2Left to left, right beside left (weight on R)
3 & 4Left cross behind right, right to right, left cross in front R
5-6large step to right, left beside right
7 & 8Right forward, left beside R, right forward

C-16 counts
[1-8] Walk, Walk, Mambo, Walk Backward, Step Together, Step
1-2Right forward, left forward
3 & 4Rock left forward, return on right back, left back
5-6Right back, left back
7 & 8Right to R, left beside R, right forward

[9-16] Step, Pivot 1/2 Turn Right, Shuffle, Step, Pivot 1/2 Turn Left, Step, Pivot 1/4 Turn Step
1-2Left forward, pivot 1/2 right
3 & 4Left forward, right beside left, left forward
5-6Right forward, pivot 1/2 turn left
7 & 8Right forward, pivot 1/4 left, right forward (9 oclock)

Final: You end with B but on 7 & 8 of the last sequence, you do a 1/2 turn left instead on 1/4 turn left. You'll end up on the starting wall.


Last Update – 8th Jan. 2018


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