Easy Novice
#16 count intro. (Sequence: 48, 48, 48, 24, Restart, 48, 48, Ending) - (No Tags, One Restart).
Sec 1 [1-8] ½ Pivot L, Heel & Toe Swivel R, ¼ L, Hitch R, Step, Lock, Step, ¼ L, Step, Lock, Step.
1-2Step Rt fwd, turn ¼ left (9) take weight onto Lt.
3&4Swivel R heel left, swivel R toe left, turn ¼ left (6) hitch R knee up.
5&6Step Rt fwd, lock Lt behind Rt, step Rt fwd.
7&8Turn ¼ left (3) step Rt fwd, lock Lt behind Rt, step Rt fwd.
Sec 2 [9-16] Fwd Rock, Recover (Push Back), Back, ¼ L, Side, Step, Press Fwd, R Ronde, Sailor Step.
1-2Rock Rt fwd, recover on Lt and push hips back.
3&4Step Rt back, turn ¼ left (12) step Lt to the left, step Rt slightly fwd.
5-6Press Lt fwd, recover on Rf and ronde Lt from front to back.
7&8Step Lt behind Rt, step Rt to the right, step Lf slightly fwd.
Sec 3 [17-24] ½ Pivot L, ¼ L, Side, Hold, & Cross, Outside Swivel ¼ L, Walks Fwd R-L.
1-2Step Rt fwd, turn ½ left (6) take weight onto Lt.
3-4Turn ¼ left (3) step Rt out to right, Hold. (out position)
&5-6Step Rt next to Lt, step Lt across Rt, swivel ¼ left (12) keeping feet together holding weight onto Lt.
7-8Walk Rt fwd, walk Lt fwd.
Restart here WALL 4 after 24 count (6 o`clock) after star again (6 o`clock).
Sec 4 [25-32] Anchor Step, ¼ L, Knee Lift L, Big Side Step, Drag, Sliding Toe Swivels In & Out, Toe Scuff, Touch.
1&2Locked Rt behind Lt take weight onto Rt, recover on Lt, recover on Rt.
&3-4Turn ¼ left (9) lift L knee up, step Lt big to the left, drag on Rt.
5-6Roll R knee in while you sliding your R toe next to Lt, roll R knee out while you sliding your R toe out.
7-8Scuff R toe slightly fwd, touch Rt next to Lt.
Sec 5 [33-40] Side, Together, Step, Lock, Step, Back, Point, ¼ Spiral R, Step.
1-2Step Rt to the Rt, step Lt next to Rt.
3&4Step Rt fwd, lock Lt behind Rt, step Rt fwd.
5-6Step Lt back, point Rt out to the right.
7-8Spiral turn ½ right (3), step Rt to the right.
Sec 6 [41-48] Fwd Rock, Recover, ½ L, Walks Fwd L-R, Fwd Rock, Recover, ¼ L, Side, Together, Step.
1-2Rock Lt fwd, recover on Rt.
3-4Turn ½ left (9) walk Lt fwd, walk Rt fwd.
5-6Rock Lt fwd, recover on Rt.
7&8Turn ¼ left (6) step Lt to the left, step Rt next to Lt, step Lt fwd. (6:00)
Start Again and have fun!
Sec 1 [1-8] ½ Pivot L, Heel & Toe Swivel R, ¼ L, Hitch R, Step, Lock, Step, ¼ L, Step, Lock, Step.
1-2Step Rt fwd, turn ¼ left (9) take weight onto Lt.
3&4Swivel R heel left, swivel R toe left, turn ¼ left (6) hitch R knee up.
5&6Step Rt fwd, lock Lt behind Rt, step Rt fwd.
7&8Turn ¼ left (3) step Rt fwd, lock Lt behind Rt, step Rt fwd.
Sec 2 [9-16] Fwd Rock, Recover (Push Back), Back, ¼ L, Side, Step, Press Fwd, R Ronde, Sailor Step.
1-2Rock Rt fwd, recover on Lt and push hips back.
3&4Step Rt back, turn ¼ left (12) step Lt to the left, step Rt slightly fwd.
5-6Press Lt fwd, recover on Rf and ronde Lt from front to back.
7&8Step Lt behind Rt, step Rt to the right, step Lf slightly fwd.
Sec 3 [17-24] ½ Pivot L, ¼ L, Side, Hold, & Cross, Outside Swivel ¼ L, Walks Fwd R-L.
1-2Step Rt fwd, turn ½ left (6) take weight onto Lt.
3-4Turn ¼ left (3) step Rt out to right, Hold. (out position)
&5-6Step Rt next to Lt, step Lt across Rt, swivel ¼ left (12) keeping feet together holding weight onto Lt.
7-8Walk Rt fwd, walk Lt fwd.
Restart here WALL 4 after 24 count (6 o`clock) after star again (6 o`clock).
Sec 4 [25-32] Anchor Step, ¼ L, Knee Lift L, Big Side Step, Drag, Sliding Toe Swivels In & Out, Toe Scuff, Touch.
1&2Locked Rt behind Lt take weight onto Rt, recover on Lt, recover on Rt.
&3-4Turn ¼ left (9) lift L knee up, step Lt big to the left, drag on Rt.
5-6Roll R knee in while you sliding your R toe next to Lt, roll R knee out while you sliding your R toe out.
7-8Scuff R toe slightly fwd, touch Rt next to Lt.
Sec 5 [33-40] Side, Together, Step, Lock, Step, Back, Point, ¼ Spiral R, Step.
1-2Step Rt to the Rt, step Lt next to Rt.
3&4Step Rt fwd, lock Lt behind Rt, step Rt fwd.
5-6Step Lt back, point Rt out to the right.
7-8Spiral turn ½ right (3), step Rt to the right.
Sec 6 [41-48] Fwd Rock, Recover, ½ L, Walks Fwd L-R, Fwd Rock, Recover, ¼ L, Side, Together, Step.
1-2Rock Lt fwd, recover on Rt.
3-4Turn ½ left (9) walk Lt fwd, walk Rt fwd.
5-6Rock Lt fwd, recover on Rt.
7&8Turn ¼ left (6) step Lt to the left, step Rt next to Lt, step Lt fwd. (6:00)
Start Again and have fun!