CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Laters, Baby (aka Love Me Like You Do)

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Theresa Reed (USA) - February 2015
Love Me Like You Do - Ellie Goulding : (50 Shades of Grey Soundtrack)
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Begin on the word “Light” at about 19 seconds into track (32 count intro)

One Restart/Tag (Restag!! Lol!)

Section 1: Right Forward, Rock-Recover, ¼ turn left into Cha cha Forward, Step Pivot ¼ Left, Cross Cha cha
1 Step right forward.
2 3 Rock left forward; Recover weight to right foot.
4&5Turning ¼ left step left forward; Step right together; step left forward.
6 7Step forward on right; Transfer weight to left, making ¼ turn left.
8&1Step right across left, left to left, Step right across left. (6 o’clock)

Section 2: ¼ Right Stepping Back on Left, Step Right to Right, Behind-Side-Cross, Step Right, Step Together, Cha cha Forward
2 3Making a ¼ turn right, step back on left; Step Right to Right.
4&5Step left behind right, step right to right, step left across right.
6 7Step right to right; Step left beside right.
8&1Step right forward; Step left together; step right forward. (9 o’clock)

Section 3: Step Side, Step Together, Cha Cha Back, Rock Back, Recover, Cha cha ½ turn to Left
2 3Step left to left; step right beside left.
4&5Step left back; Step right together; step left back
6 7Rock right foot back; Recover weight to left foot.
8&1Cha cha making ½ turn to left (step right forward (¼); Step left together (¼); step right back). (3 o’clock)

Section 4: Rock Back, Recover, Rock-Recover-Cross, Step Right to Right with a Sway, Sway back to Left Foot, Back Together
(essentially a Coaster step with the step forward being your 1 to start the dance.)
2 3Rock left foot back; Recover weight to right foot.
4&5Rock left foot out to left; Recover weight to right foot; Step left foot across right.
6 7Step right to right with a sway; Recover weight back to left with a sway.
8&Step right back; step left beside right. (3 o’clock)

Restart/Tag: Step Forward on Right, Making ¼ turn Right-Sweep Left Foot from back to front, Step on Left
(On the 9th wall (12 o’clock) dance through the 8& of Section 2…then dance Tag and Restart dance facing 12 o’clock.)
1Step forward on right foot. (you will be facing the 9 o’clock wall)
2 3Sweep left foot from back to front while making a ¼ turn to the right
4Step slightly forward on left. (you will be facing the 12 o’clock wall) Restart Dance.



susa richards February 10, 2015
Love the dance and the choreographer! Thank You Theresa!!

Cindy H February 10, 2015
Fun dance. Good job Theresa!

nank February 10, 2015
you are the best T heresa. you did it again I love it
It is a fun fun dance Thank you

Summer430 February 10, 2015
I LOVE this dance! Great Dance! Great Music!
Love Theresa! - she is a terrific dancer, teacher and choreographer!
THANKS Theresa for a great dance!

plaztxgirl February 10, 2015
LOVE! LOVE! LOVE!!! this song and the dance!!! It will be Addictive! Theresa is THE BEST!

Brenda February 16, 2015
Love the steps and the music. This is really good stuff. Thanks Theresa

Jentle Lisa February 26, 2015
Was easy for me to learn. I really enjoy it. Also had fun dancing it to a faster song. But this music makes it look beautiful.

Claire B March 3, 2015
Fabulous little dance, which i believe is your first attempt at choreography ! My class love it x

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