CopperKnob Stepsheets

Page Image George 156723
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Believe In You And Me

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Improver / Intermediate
Peter Davenport (ES) - January 2015
Scarecrow - Alex & Sierra
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#16 Count Intro, Start on vocals

S1: Rock Replace, Shuffle ½ R, Shuffle ½, Touch ½ R
1 2Rock forward on R, Recover on L 12
3&4Shuffle ½ R, R.L.R 6
5&6Shuffle ½ R, L.R.L 12
7 8Touch R back, ½ R step on R

S2: Side Rock, Behind Side cross, Side Rock, Behind Side
1 2Rock L out to L, Recover on R 6
3&4Cross L behind R, Step R to R, Cross L over R 6
5 6Rock R out to R, Recover on L 6
7 8Cross R behind L, Step L to L, *R/W/2 6

S3: Touch Forward Side, Sweep ½ Sailor Step, Syncopate Run Back
1 2Touch R forward, Touch R to R 6
3&4½ Sailor step R 12
5 6&Rock forward on L, Recover on R, Step back on L 12
7 8Step back on R, Step back on L 12

S4: Full Turn L (box turn) Rock Replace, Coaster Cross
1 2¼ R step R to R, ¼ R step on L, (hinge turn) 6
3 4¼ R step R to R, ¼ R step on L, (hinge turn) 12
5 6Rock forward on R, Recover on L 12
7&8Step R back, Bring L to R, Cross R over L 12

S5: ¼ R, ½ R, Step, Step ¼ Cross, Side Behind Side
1 2 3¼ R step back on L, ½ R step on R, Step forward on L 9
4&5Step forward on R, Pivot ¼ L, Cross R over L 6
6 7 8Step L to L, Cross R behind L, Step L to L 6

S6: Cross Rock Replace, Side Shuffle, Cross Shuffle, Step Back R.L
1 2Cross rock R over L, Recover on L 6
3&4Side shuffle, R.L.R 6
5&6Cross L over R, Step R to R, Cross L over R 6
7 8Step back R, Step back L **T/W/3 ***R/W/4 6

S7: Step Kick & Point, Kick & Point, Cross Back Side Cross
1Step forward on R 6
2&3Kick L forward, Bring L to R, Point R out to R 6
4&5Kick R forward, Bring R to L, Point L out to L 6
6&7Cross L over R, Step R back, Step L to L 6
8Cross R over L 6

S8: Side Benind, Shuffle ¼ L, Pivot ½ L, Sweep ¼ Coaster Step L
1 2Step L to L, Cross R behind L 6
3&4Shuffle ¼ L, L.R.L 3
5 6Step forward on R, Pivot ½ L 9
7&8Sweep ¼ L back, Bring R to L, Step L forward 6

*Restart Wall 2
Dance up to and including counts 7.8 on section 2, restart the dance from count 1

**Tag Wall 3,
Dance up to and including counts 7.8 then add 4 count Tag:
Rock Forward on R, Recover on L, Rock Back on R , Recover on L,
Restart the dance from count 1

***Restart Wall 4: Dance up to and including counts 7,8 on section 6, Restart the dance from count 1

**** Tag End Of Walls 5&6
Rock Forward on R, Recover on L, Rock Back on R, Recover on L

Because of the way the music comes in and out of verse, Tags & Restarts are necessary to keep in with phrase “sorry”



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