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Fade Out Lines

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Improver WCS
Sebastiaan Holtland (NL) - December 2014
Fade Out Lines - The Avener : (Single - 2014)
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Intro - 32 count. (No Tags, No Restarts).

Sec 1. [1-8] Walks Fwd R-L, Anchor Step, Touch Back, ½ Unwind L, ¼ Pivot L.
1-2Walk Rt fwd, walk Lt Fwd.
3&4Locked Rt behind Lt take weight onto Rt, recover on Lt, recover on Rt.
5-6Touch Lt back, unwind ½ left (6) take weight onto Lt.
7&8Step Rt fwd, turn ¼ left (3) take weight onto Lt.

Sec 2. [9-16] Step, ¼ R, Side, Back, Step, 2x Down, Up with Hip Rolls Fwd.
1-4Step Rt fwd, turn ¼ right (6) step Lt to the left, step Rt slightly back, step Lt slightly fwd in front of Rt.
5-8Dip your body down, coming up and roll hips fwd, dip your body down, coming up and roll hips fwd weight onto Rt.

Sec 3. [17-24] Step, Lock, Step, Lock, Step, Big Side Step, Close, Step, Lock, Step.
1-2Step Lt fwd, lock Rt behind Lt.
3&4Step Lt fwd, lock Rt behind Lt, step Lt fwd.
5-6Step Rt big to right, drag slightly step Lt next to right.
7&8Step Rt fwd, lock Lt behind Lt, step Rt fwd.

Sec 4. [25-32] Rock Fwd, ½ Shuffle Turn L, Press Step Fwd, Sweep, Anchor Step.
1-2Rock Lt fwd, recover on Rt.
3&4Turn ¼ left (3) step Lt fwd, step Rt next to Lt, turn ¼ left (12) step Lt fwd. (½ shuffle turn L).
5-6Press Rt fwd, recover on Lf and sweep Rt from front to back.
7&8Locked Rt behind Lt take weight onto Rt, recover on Lt, recover on Rt.

Sec 5. [33-36] Step, Point, Step, Point, Rock Fwd, ½ Shuffle Turn L.
1-2Step Lt fwd, point Rt out to right.
3-4Step Rt fwd, point Lt out to left.
5-6Rock Lt fwd, recover on Rt.
7&8Turn ¼ left (9) step Lt fwd, step Rt next to Lt, turn ¼ left (6) step Lt fwd. (½ shuffle turn L).

Sec 6. [37-48] Walks Fwd R-L, Anchor Step, Touch Back, ½ Unwind L, ¼ L, Knee Lift, Point, Hold.
1-2Walk Rt fwd, walk Lt Fwd.
3&4Locked Rt behind Lt take weight onto Rt, recover on Lt, recover on Rt.
5-6Touch Lt back, unwind ½ left (12) take weight onto Lt.
&7-8Turn ¼ left (9) lift R knee, point Rt out to right, Hold.

Start Again and have fun!



dancefreaky79 December 24, 2014
Great Dance Again Sebastian.
Great moves, coolw. I Will teach Your dance this week.

Mery Christmas too you and a Healty 2015.

Johnson Strike.

dancefreaky79 December 24, 2014
Great Dance Again Sebastian.
Great moves, coolw. I Will teach Your dance this week.

Mery Christmas too you and a Healty 2015.

Johnson Strike.

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