CopperKnob Stepsheets

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When the Snow Comes Down

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Phrased Improver
Shirley Selvasingam (MY) - December 2014
Sequence : A A B T1, A A B T1, A T2, A A B B B B

Start after 32 counts

A – 32 counts
1-2-3-4Step R to right, step L behind R, step R, scuff L with a ½ turn right
5-6-7-8Step L to left, step R behind L, step L, scuff R (6)

1-2-3-4Step R over L, step L, step R with a ¼ turn right, scuff L
5-6-7-8Run forward L-R-L Hold (9)

1-2-3-4Point R forwards, hold, step R back, hold
5-6-7-8Point L back, hold, step L forwards, flick R behind with a ½ turn left (3)

1-2-3-4Toe strut R over L, toe strut L over R
5-6-7-8Step R over L, step L, step R with a ¼ turn right, step L (6)

B – 32 counts
1-2-3-4Step R to right, hold, step L next to right with a clap, hold
5-6-7-8Bump hips R-L-R-L, fluttering fingers while bringing hands down

1-2-3-4Step R to right, hold, step L next to right with a clap, hold
5-6-7-8Bump hips R-L-R-L, fluttering fingers while bringing hands down

1-2-3-4Step R over L, step L, step R with a ¼ turn right, scuff L
5-6-7-8Step L forward, step R with ½ turn left, step L forward, scuff L

1-2-3-4Lock-step R-L-R, scuff L
5-6-7-8Step L forward with ¼ turn right, recover R, cross L over R, flick R

T1: (Tag 4 counts)
1-2-3-4Bump hips R-L-R-L

T2: (Tag 8 counts)
1-2-3-4Bump hips R-L-R-L
5-6-7-8Paddle ½ turn left



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