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Homegrown Honey

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Doc Rosser (UK) & Debz Rosser (UK) - October 2014
Homegrown Honey - Darius Rucker
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Intro - 32 counts : : Style: Country

[1-8] Right side rock sailor step, Left side rock sailor step (1/8th turn to left diagonal)
1,2Step right foot to right side, recover onto left
3&4Sweep right foot back, bring left foot beside right, step forward on right
5,6Step left foot to left side, recover onto right
7&8Sweep left foot back, bring right foot beside left, step forward on left (turning to 10 o’clock)

[9-16] Full turn (over left shoulder) mambo step, extended weave to right (travelling backwards)
1,2(staying on the diagonal) Half turn to left onto right foot, half turn to left onto left foot
3&4Step forward onto right foot, bring left foot next to right, step back on right foot
5&6&Cross left foot in front of right, step back on right foot, step left foot to left side, step back on right foot
7&8&Cross left foot in front of right, step back on right foot, step left foot to left side, step back on right foot (straightening back to 12 o’clock)

[17-24] Cross rock, left ¼ shuffle turn, rock step, right ½ shuffle turn
1,2Cross left foot in front of right, recover onto right foot
3&4Step left foot a ¼ turn to left, bring right foot beside left, step forward on left foot (9 o’clock)
5,6Step forward on right foot, recover onto left
7&8½ turn to right stepping onto right foot, bring left foot beside right, step forward on right (3 o’clock)

[25-32] Rock step, back shuffle, back touch, half unwind, ½ turn right, rock step
1,2Step forward on left foot, recover onto right
3&4Step back on left foot, bring right foot beside left,
5,6Touch right foot behind, ½ unwind to right
7,8&½ turn to right stepping back on left foot, step back on right foot, recover onto left

[33-40] Right side, together, ¼ shuffle turn, Left side, together, left chasse
1,2Step right foot to right side, bring left foot beside right
3&4Step right foot to right side, bring left foot beside right, ¼ turn to right stepping onto right foot (6 o’clock)
5,6Step left foot to left side, bring right foot beside left
7&8Step left foot to left side, bring right foot beside left, step left foot to left side

[41-48] Cross rock, right ½ turn, coaster step, triple full turn
1,2Cross right foot in front of left, recover onto left foot
3,4¼ turn to right stepping onto right foot, ¼ turn to right stepping onto left foot (12 o’clock)
5&6Step back on right foot, bring left foot beside right, step forward on right foot
7&8½ turn to right stepping onto left foot, ½ turn to right stepping onto right foot, bring left foot beside right

[49-56] Right side rock, cross & cross & cross, Left side rock cross &cross &cross
1&2&Step right to right side, recover onto left foot, cross right foot in front of left, step to left with left foot
3&4Cross right foot in front of left, step to left with left foot, cross right foot in front of left
5&6&Step left to left side, recover onto right foot, cross left foot in front of right, step to right with right foot
7&8Cross left foot in front of right, step to right with right foot, cross left foot in front of right

[57-64] Right back rumba box, cross, unwind, sweep left, right, cross
1&2Step right foot to right side, bring left foot beside right, step back on right foot
3&4Step left foot to left side, bring right foot beside left, step forward on left foot
5,6Touch right foot across in front of left, full unwind to left
7&8Sweep left foot behind right, step right foot to right, cross left foot in front of right

1st Restart – wall 1 after count 32

2nd Restart – wall 3 after count 20

Tag after wall 4 (Tag = counts 33-48 then Restart)



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