CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Phrased Intermediate - K-Pop
Mayee Lee (MY) - October 2014
Mamacita - SUPER JUNIOR : (3:32)
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Intro: Start after 16 counts
Sequence of dance : Into Dance AB AB A20 A40 A32 B A20 Ending(8 counts)

Intro Dance (16 counts)
Sec 1: L Side, Touch R ,Hold x2, Syncopated Cross & Back Rock, Touch R
1 2 3&4Step L to L(1), touch R beside L(2), hold(3&4) 12.00
5&6&7 8Cross R over L(5), recover on L(&), Rock R to R(6), recover on L(&), cross R behind L(7), recover on L(&), touch R to R(8)

Sec 2: Sweep R Full Turn R, Squad R & Touch, Drag L, Hold, Pop R
1 – 4Full turn R Sweep R from front to (1-2), touch L to L & squad on R(3-4)
5 6 7&8Drag L & touch L beside R(5-6), pop R over L(7), pop L over R(&), pop R over L(8) 12.00

Part A (48 counts)
ASec 1 : R Side, Touch L, L Heel Swivel, Drag R, Together, L Forward Mambo
1 2Step R to R(1), drag L & touch beside R(2)
3&4&Step L heel to L(3), L toe to L(&), L heel to L(4), L toe to L(&)(Heel swivel travelling to L& Bend R knee)
5 6 7&8Drag R to L(5), step R beside L(6), step L forward(7), recover on R(&), step L back(8) 12.00

ASec 2 : R Angle Back, ½ Turn L, R & L Cross Mambo, ½ Turn L Touch R
1&2 3Step R back cross L(1), recover on L(&), step R back(2), ½ turn L step F forward(3) 6.00
4&5Cross R over L(4), recover on L(&), step R to R(5)
6&7 8Cross L over R(6), recover on R(&), step L to L(7), ½ turn L sweep R & touch R beside L(8) 12.00

ASec 3 : Vine To R, Touch L Forward, Forward Body Roll, Hold x2
1 – 4Step R to R(1), step L behind R(2), step R to R(3), touch L forward(4) (A20 – counts 20 will change to step L beside R)
5 – 8Forward body roll(5-6), put L wrist straight in front of chest & twist R wrist clockwise around L wrist(7-8) 12.00

ASec 4 : Vine To L, Touch R Forward, Forward Body Roll, Hold x2
1 – 4Step L to L(1), step R behind L(2), step L to L(3), touch R forward(4)12.00
5 – 8Forward body roll(5-6), put R wrist straight in front of chest & twist L wrist anti-clockwise around R wrist(7-8)(A32)

ASec 5 : R Side Mambo, L Side Mambo with Touch, Clap Twice, Clap Under Knee, Touch L, Together
1&2 3&4Step R to R(1), recover on L(&), step R beside L(2), step L to L(3), recover on R(&), touch L beside R(4)
5&6 7 8Clap hand twice(5&), clap hand under L knee(6), touch L to L & bump chest facing 3.00(7), bump chest with close feet & facing to 12.00(8)(A40)12.00

ASec 6 : R Side, Touch L, L Side, Touch R, R Side, Hold x2, Hop
1 – 4Step R to R(1), touch L beside R(2), step L to L(3), touch R beside L(4)
5 – 8Step R to R(5), hold (6-7), step R beside L & hop(8) 12.00

Part B (32 counts)
BSec 1 : Jump To R, Touch L, Syncopated Swivel, Sit L Bounce 3 Times
&1Jump R to R(&), touch L beside R(1)
2&3&4&5Step L to L & swivel both feet which from both heels to L(2-5)
6 – 8Sit on L & bounce 3 times(6-8) 12.00

BSec 2 : Diagonally R, Recover L, Diagonally R Body Roll, Sit R Bounce 3 Times
1 – 4Step R to diagonally R(1), recover on L(2), body roll to diagonally R(3-4)
5 – 8Shift weight to R & sit on R(5), bounce 3 times(6-8) 12.00

BSec 3 : L Diagonally Back, Touch R, R Diagonally Back, Touch L, Lunge L Forward, Touch R, Hand Movement
1 – 4Step L back to diagonally L(1), touch R beside L facing 1.30(2), step R back to diagonally R(3)(1.30), touch L beside R facing 10.30 (4) 10.30
5 6 7&8Lunge L forward(5), touch R beside L(6), hold(7&8) 12.00
(Hand styling : Put L hand top of R hand at chest(7), move L hand below R hand(&), move R hand below L hand(8))

BSec 4 : R Out, L Out, Cross Jump, Jump Apart, Cross Jump, Jump Apart, Hold, Sit L & Bounce Twice
1 2 3&4&Step R out(1), step L out(2), cross jump R over L(3), jump both feet apart(&), cross jump L over R(4), jump both feet apart(&)
5 – 8Hold(5), sit on L(6), bounce twice(7-8) 12.00
(Hand styling : Cross L hand & point to R(5), put L hand in front of chest(6), twist R wrist clockwise around L wrist)(7-8)

Ending (8 counts)
1 – 5Repeat first 5 counts of Part B Section 1
6 – 8Sweep R full turn R from front to back(6), step R beside L(7), touch L to L & bend R knee(8) 12.00

Please refer to the hand movements on youtube site & dance with your own attitude !!!

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Metaltigger October 20, 2014

Proving what I have been saying for a long time..
The finest Line Dance troupe in Malaysia.. and together with excellent Choreography from Mayee – a perfect combination.

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