Sec1: Walk, side rock, recover, cross, side behind, triple cross over.
1 - 2Walk forward R,L
&3 - 4Rock right to the side (ball of foot) recover onto left foot, step right across left.
5 - 6Step left foot to the side, step right behind left.
&7&8Step left foot to the side, step right across left, Step left foot to the side, step right across left.
Sec2: Side Rock, behind, side, in front, Monterey Turn
1 - 2Rock left foot to the side, recover onto right.
3&4Step left foot behind right, step right foot to the side, step left foot across right.
5 - 6Point right foot to the side, make a 1/2 turn right closing right foot to left.
7 - 8Point left foot to the side, close left foot to right.
Sec3: Walk, side rock recover cross, side behind, triple cross over.
1 - 2Walk forward R,L
&3 - 4Rock right to the side (ball of foot) recover onto left foot, step right across left.
5 - 6Step left foot to the side, step right behind left.
&7&8Step left foot to the side, step right across left, step left foot to the side, step right across left.
Sec4: Side Rock, behind, side, in front, samba step.
1 - 2Rock left foot to the side, recover onto right.
3&4Step left foot behind right, step right foot to the side, step left foot across right.
5 - 6Point right foot to the side, make a 1/2 turn right closing right foot to left.
7&8Step left foot forward, rock right foot to the side, recover onto left foot.
Sec5: Across, side, behind, side, sailor step, heel grind ¼ turn left, coaster step
1 - 2Step right foot across left, step left foot to the side.
3&4Cross right foot behind left, step left foot to the side, step right foot to the side.
5 - 6Step left heel forward (foot slightly turned in) heel grind 1/4 turn left right foot back.
7&8Step left foot back, close right to left, step left foot forward.
Sec6: Samba Steps x2, hell grind ¼ turn left, rock back recover
1&2Step right foot forward, rock left foot to the side, recover onto right.
3&4Step left foot forward, rock right foot to the side, recover onto left.
5 - 6Step right heel forward (foot slightly turned in) heel grind 1/4 turn right left foot back
7 - 8Rock right foot back, recover forward onto left. Restart here after counts 7 - 8 wall on wall 3 facing the front
Sec7: Shimmy shake rocks, ½ turn left, shuffle forward.
1&2Cross right over left, rock back onto ball of left, recover forward onto right (shimmy shake shoulders &1&2).
3&4Cross left over right, rock back onto ball of right, recover forward onto left (shimmy shake shoulders &1&2).
5 - 6Step right foot forward, make a 1/2 turn left (weight on left foot).
7&8Shuffle forward R,L,R.
Sec8: ½ turn left, ½ turn shuffle, rock back, kick ball change.
1 - 2Step left foot forward, make a 1/2 turn right
3&41/2 turn shuffle around to the right L,R,L
5 - 6Rock right foot back, recover forward onto left.
7&8Kick right foot forward, step ball of right in place, step left foot in place.
*Replace sections 1 and 2 with the following funky sections on the 3rd wall*
1 - 2Walk forward right, left
3&4Kick right foot forward, cross right in front of left, step left foot back.
5&6Step right foot back, close left next to right, step right foot forward.
7&8Step left foot forward, twist heels left then back to centre (weight ends on right).
1&2Step left foot back, close right foot next to left, step left foot forward
3&4Step right foot forward, make a ½ turn left as you bounce raising heels slightly up and down twice.
5&6Step left foot back, close right foot next to left, step left foot forward.
7&8&Kick right foot forward, step right foot back, touch left heel forward, step left foot next to right.
*Restart after completing section 6 on wall 3 (facing the front)*
*End of wall 5 repeat the last 32 counts (sections 5 – 8) (you will be facing the front)*
*Ending after the 6th wall on the instrumental finish with the shimmy shakes from section 7 until the music ends.*
1 - 2Walk forward R,L
&3 - 4Rock right to the side (ball of foot) recover onto left foot, step right across left.
5 - 6Step left foot to the side, step right behind left.
&7&8Step left foot to the side, step right across left, Step left foot to the side, step right across left.
Sec2: Side Rock, behind, side, in front, Monterey Turn
1 - 2Rock left foot to the side, recover onto right.
3&4Step left foot behind right, step right foot to the side, step left foot across right.
5 - 6Point right foot to the side, make a 1/2 turn right closing right foot to left.
7 - 8Point left foot to the side, close left foot to right.
Sec3: Walk, side rock recover cross, side behind, triple cross over.
1 - 2Walk forward R,L
&3 - 4Rock right to the side (ball of foot) recover onto left foot, step right across left.
5 - 6Step left foot to the side, step right behind left.
&7&8Step left foot to the side, step right across left, step left foot to the side, step right across left.
Sec4: Side Rock, behind, side, in front, samba step.
1 - 2Rock left foot to the side, recover onto right.
3&4Step left foot behind right, step right foot to the side, step left foot across right.
5 - 6Point right foot to the side, make a 1/2 turn right closing right foot to left.
7&8Step left foot forward, rock right foot to the side, recover onto left foot.
Sec5: Across, side, behind, side, sailor step, heel grind ¼ turn left, coaster step
1 - 2Step right foot across left, step left foot to the side.
3&4Cross right foot behind left, step left foot to the side, step right foot to the side.
5 - 6Step left heel forward (foot slightly turned in) heel grind 1/4 turn left right foot back.
7&8Step left foot back, close right to left, step left foot forward.
Sec6: Samba Steps x2, hell grind ¼ turn left, rock back recover
1&2Step right foot forward, rock left foot to the side, recover onto right.
3&4Step left foot forward, rock right foot to the side, recover onto left.
5 - 6Step right heel forward (foot slightly turned in) heel grind 1/4 turn right left foot back
7 - 8Rock right foot back, recover forward onto left. Restart here after counts 7 - 8 wall on wall 3 facing the front
Sec7: Shimmy shake rocks, ½ turn left, shuffle forward.
1&2Cross right over left, rock back onto ball of left, recover forward onto right (shimmy shake shoulders &1&2).
3&4Cross left over right, rock back onto ball of right, recover forward onto left (shimmy shake shoulders &1&2).
5 - 6Step right foot forward, make a 1/2 turn left (weight on left foot).
7&8Shuffle forward R,L,R.
Sec8: ½ turn left, ½ turn shuffle, rock back, kick ball change.
1 - 2Step left foot forward, make a 1/2 turn right
3&41/2 turn shuffle around to the right L,R,L
5 - 6Rock right foot back, recover forward onto left.
7&8Kick right foot forward, step ball of right in place, step left foot in place.
*Replace sections 1 and 2 with the following funky sections on the 3rd wall*
1 - 2Walk forward right, left
3&4Kick right foot forward, cross right in front of left, step left foot back.
5&6Step right foot back, close left next to right, step right foot forward.
7&8Step left foot forward, twist heels left then back to centre (weight ends on right).
1&2Step left foot back, close right foot next to left, step left foot forward
3&4Step right foot forward, make a ½ turn left as you bounce raising heels slightly up and down twice.
5&6Step left foot back, close right foot next to left, step left foot forward.
7&8&Kick right foot forward, step right foot back, touch left heel forward, step left foot next to right.
*Restart after completing section 6 on wall 3 (facing the front)*
*End of wall 5 repeat the last 32 counts (sections 5 – 8) (you will be facing the front)*
*Ending after the 6th wall on the instrumental finish with the shimmy shakes from section 7 until the music ends.*