CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Can't Stop Loving You

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Judy Rodgers (USA) - September 2014
Can't Stop Loving You - Phil Collins
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#16 count intro (sequence: 64, Tag (1-12), 64, 44 (Restart), 64, Tag (1-8), 44 (Restart), 64, 64)

S1: Side, cross rock, recover, turn ¼ L step, walk, walk, shuffle turn ½ L
1-4Step R to right side, rock L across R, recover R, turn ¼ left step L fwd [9:00]
5-6-7&8Walk R, walk L, turn ½ left shuffle back R L R [3:00]

S2: Turn ¼ L rock, recover, cross shuffle, turn ½ L, turn ½ L, rock & turn ¼ R
1-2-3&4Turn ¼ left rock L to left side, recover R, cross shuffle L R L [1:30]
5-6On right diagonal turn ½ left step R back, turn ½ left step L fwd (or walk R L)
7&8Rock R fwd, recover L, turn ¼ right step R to side 4:30

S3: Cross, point, rock & point, back, back, turn ½ R shuffle
1-2-3&4Cross L over R, point R fwd, rock R back, recover L, point R fwd (still on diagonal)
5-6-7&8Step R back, step L back, turn ½ right shuffle R L R [10:30]

S4: Rock, recover, turn 1/8 L shuffle side, cross, point, sailor step
1-2-3&4Rock L across R, recover R, turn 1/8 left shuffle L R L [9:00]
5-6Cross R over L, point L to side
7&8Step L behind R, step R to right, step L to left side

S5: Behind, side, rock & turn ¼ R, walk, walk, shuffle turn ½ R
1-2Step R behind, step L to side
3&4Rock R across L, recover L, turn ¼ right step R fwd [12:00]
5-6-7&8Walk L, walk R, turn ½ right shuffle back L R L [6:00]

S6: Turn ¼ R rock, point, sailor turn ¼ L, rock, recover, coaster cross
1-2Turn ¼ right rock R to right side, point L to L side [9:00]
3&4Turn ¼ left step L behind R, step R to right side, step L to left side [6:00]
*** Restart here on wall 3 and wall 5 ***
5-6-7&8Rock R fwd, recover L, step R back, step L beside R, cross R over L

S7: Rock, recover, cross shuffle, turn ¼ L step back, turn ¼ L step side, cross shuffle
1-2-3&4Rock L to left side, recover R, cross shuffle L R L
5-6Turn ¼ left step R back, turn ¼ left step L to side [12:00]
7&8Cross shuffle R L R

S8: Rock, recover, cross, turn ¼ L step back, turn ¼ L shuffle, walk, walk.
1-2Rock L to left side, recover R
3-4Cross L over R, turn ¼ left step R back [9:00]
5&6Turn ¼ left shuffle L R L [6:00]
7-8Walk fwd R, walk fwd L

TAG: End of Wall 1 (6:00) – dance all 12 counts; end of wall 4 (12:00) – dance first 8 counts only)
1-2&3-4Step R to right, step L behind side cross, step R to right side
5-6&7-8Step L to left, step R behind side cross, step L to left side
9-12Sway R L R L

RESTARTS: Walls 3 & 5 (both restart at 6:00): dance 44 counts….restart dance from beginning

ENDING: Wall 7 is the last wall (12:00)….dance 24 counts & over rotate the ½ shuffle R to face the front


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