Beginner - Single or Contra
This dance can be done as a 2-wall line dance or a contra dance with hand gestures making it more fun to do so.
Intro: 40 counts
Contra starting position:
Dance starts with lines facing each other and 3 feet apart. The third row of dancers should be 3 feet apart from the second row in order to have interactions between rows.
S1: (L Side, R Tap; R Side, L Touch/Clap Clap)x 2
12step L to the side; tap R toe far behind L while bending L knee snapping fingers downward with right hand
3&4step R to the side, touch L next to R and clap, clap
56repeat 12
7&8repeat 3&4
S2: L Shuffle Fwd, R Mambo 1/2 R, L Shuffle Fwd, R Fwd Pivot 1/2 Step
1&2step L fwd, step R next to L, step L fwd
3&4rock fwd R (Contra: touching each other's R hand with a light push), recover onto L, 1/2 R stepping R fwd
5&6step L fwd, step R next to L, step L fwd
7&8step R fwd (Optional: you'll be facing another dancer, Hi five with each other), 1/2 L step L fwd, step R fwd
S3: L Shuffle Fwd, R Shuffle Fwd, L Cross-side-back, R Back-side-cross
1&2step L fwd, step R next to L, step L fwd (start passing your partner on your right shoulder)
3&4step R fwd, step L next to R, step R fwd
5&6cross L over R, step R the side, step L back (same Optional Hi five gesture when you meet your friend!)
7&8step back R, step L to the side, cross R over L
S4: L Side Rock, L Cross Rock, L Sailor 1/2 L, (R Bump Hip /L Arm Up ) X2
12rock L to the side (push L hip out), recover onto R
34cross L over R, recover onto R
5&6step L behind R, 1/2 L step R slightly to the side, step L next to R
78bump hip to the R twice while raising L arm up twice
Contact: - 1(647) 295-3833 -
Intro: 40 counts
Contra starting position:
Dance starts with lines facing each other and 3 feet apart. The third row of dancers should be 3 feet apart from the second row in order to have interactions between rows.
S1: (L Side, R Tap; R Side, L Touch/Clap Clap)x 2
12step L to the side; tap R toe far behind L while bending L knee snapping fingers downward with right hand
3&4step R to the side, touch L next to R and clap, clap
56repeat 12
7&8repeat 3&4
S2: L Shuffle Fwd, R Mambo 1/2 R, L Shuffle Fwd, R Fwd Pivot 1/2 Step
1&2step L fwd, step R next to L, step L fwd
3&4rock fwd R (Contra: touching each other's R hand with a light push), recover onto L, 1/2 R stepping R fwd
5&6step L fwd, step R next to L, step L fwd
7&8step R fwd (Optional: you'll be facing another dancer, Hi five with each other), 1/2 L step L fwd, step R fwd
S3: L Shuffle Fwd, R Shuffle Fwd, L Cross-side-back, R Back-side-cross
1&2step L fwd, step R next to L, step L fwd (start passing your partner on your right shoulder)
3&4step R fwd, step L next to R, step R fwd
5&6cross L over R, step R the side, step L back (same Optional Hi five gesture when you meet your friend!)
7&8step back R, step L to the side, cross R over L
S4: L Side Rock, L Cross Rock, L Sailor 1/2 L, (R Bump Hip /L Arm Up ) X2
12rock L to the side (push L hip out), recover onto R
34cross L over R, recover onto R
5&6step L behind R, 1/2 L step R slightly to the side, step L next to R
78bump hip to the R twice while raising L arm up twice
Contact: - 1(647) 295-3833 -