From The Inside

Adrian Churm (UK) - January 2013
Nobody Knows - Kevin Sharp : (CD: Measure of a man)

Sec 1: Side, Rock Back, chasse right with ¼ turn, ½ pivot turn, ¼ turn with chasse left.
1Step left foot to the side
2 – 3Rock right foot back, recover forward onto left
4 & 5Chasse to the right side R,L,R making a ¼ turn right
6 – 7Step left foot forward, make a ½ turn right (weight ends on right foot)
8&1Continue to make a further ¼ turn right, Chasse to the left side L,R,L. (12 o’clock)

Sec 2: Diagonal rock, chasse right, diagonal rock chasse left with ¼ turn right,
2 – 3Rock right foot back and behind left (turning 1/8th to face right diagonal) recover forward onto left foot.
4&5Chasse to right side R,L,R
6 – 7Rock left foot back and behind right (turning 1/8th to face left diagonal) recover forward onto right foot.
8&1Chasse to left side L,R,L making a ¼ turn right (left foot ends back) (3 o’clock)

Sec 3: ½ turn right, step forward, mambo, coaster step, ¼ turn left
2 – 3Continue to turn a further ½ turn right then step forward onto right , step left foot forward.
4&5Rock right foot forward, recover back onto left foot, small step back with right.
6&7Step left foot back, close right foot next left foot, step left foot forward.
8&1Step right foot forward, make a ¼ turn left, step right foot across left. (6 o’clock)

Sec 4: ½ turn right, crossover, step point, kick ball cross
2 – 3Make a ¼ turn right left foot steps back, Make a ¼ turn right right foot steps to the right side.
4&5Step left foot across right, small step to the side with right foot, step left foot across right.
6 – 7Step right foot to the side, point left foot forward to left diagonal.
8&1Kick left foot forward, small step back onto ball of left foot, step right foot across left. (12 o’clock)

Sec 5: Side, draw up, ball cross, rock behind, weave left
2 – 3Step left foot to the left side (large step) allowing right foot to draw up slightly.
&4 – 5Step back onto ball of right foot, step left foot across right, step right foot to the side.
6&7Rock left foot back and behind right, recover forward onto right foot. Step left foot to the left side.
8&1Step right foot behind left, step left foot to the side, step right foot across left. (12 o’clock)

Sec 6: Side rock, turn ¼ left into coaster step, rock forward, fill triple turn right on the spot (or coaster step)
2 – 3Rock left foot to left side, recover onto right foot (preparing to turn ¼ left)
4&5Complete ¼ turn left stepping left foot back, close right foot next left foot, step left foot forward.
6 – 7Rock right foot forward, recover back onto left foot (preparing to turn to the right)
8&1Make a full triple step turn to the right on the spot R,L,R (turn can be replaced with a coaster step). (9 o’clock)

Sec 7: Rock step, ½ turn left into shuffle forward, pivot turn left, mambo back.
2 – 3Rock left foot forward, recover back onto right foot (preparing to turn to the left)
4&5Make a ½ turn left and lock or shuffle forward L,R,L
6 – 7Step right foot forward make a ½ turn left keeping weight on right foot.
8&1Rock back on left foot, recover forward onto right foot, step left foot forward. (9 o’clock)

Sec 8: Point forward then side, coaster step, point forward, sweep, ball step
2 – 3Point right foot forward, point right foot to the side.
4&5Step right foot back, close left foot to right, step right foot forward.
6 – 7Point left foot forward, sweep left foot around to back (style option lift &roll left shoulder back as you sweep)
8&Step ball of left foot behind right foot, step right foot in place. (9 o’clock)

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