Where Do We Go!!!
Phrased Advanced - Hip Hop
Guyton Mundy (USA), Roy Hadisubroto (IRE) & Will Craig (USA) - February 2012
Where Do We Go (feat. Jamie Foxx) - Pitbull
Start the dance 30 seconds into track on vocals "where do we go from here"
Pattern of dances A,B,A,B, first 1/2 of A, A with hold for last 4 counts, Tag, C, Last 1/2 of A
A Pattern – 66 counts
[1-8] Step Knee pop with hand turn, arm up down, circle up and in with arm
1&2Step forward on right as you extend right hand in front of right knee with palm open and facing inward, pop right knee in as the hand follows the knee, pop knee back to center as hand follow but folding had at knuckles. Palm should still be facing in while fingers are bent at 90 degree pointing to the left
&3-4while bending elbow back, slide right hand up leg to waste, slide hand back down towards knee straitening arm, whit arm still straight lift arm up away from knee until its at a 45 degree angle pointing down.
5-6-7-8raise arm in a circular motion up and then back into your chest
[9-16] circle out with arms, 1/2 turn, arms pull in, arms out with 1/2 turn
1-2bring both hands up slightly as you touch index fingers together, bring right hand out and down to the right, bring left hand out and down to the left, like your drawing a big circle with your fingers.
3-4keeping feet in place make a 1/2 turn pivot over left shoulder while extending both arms out in front of you with fingertips touching, pull hands into chest as you roll up on the balls of both feet
5-6-7-8roll back down on to flat feet as you extend arms back out in front of you(5) pivot a 1/2 turn back to the right as you swing arms out and then back into chest (letting right fingers slide into left palm and left fingers cover the back of the right hand
[17-24] elbow drops and return, head down up, out out, body lean, recover
&1drop elbows to 45 deg, return to center
&2drop body leaving arms where they are letting head drop behind hands, straighten back up (you may raise your hands slightly if needed)
3-4step forward on left, step out on right as you separate hands and face palms up
5-6lean out to left separating arms out to either side
7-8return to neutral bringing hands back in together
[24-32] circle out with arms, point, point with drop, hand clasp, CW circle with arms
1-2bring fingertips together at forehead level, separate fingers tracing circle ending with fingers together at waist level
(same as counts 9-10, but smaller circle)
3-4drop left hand while pointing right index finger to mouth, turn both knees in slightly as you drop slightly bringing right index finger down to point at chest
5-6-7-8bring left hand up clasping together with right, make clockwise circle with body and arms (for 6-7-8)
[33-40] step with arm tut
1-2step forward on right as you extend right arm bent at knuckles with fingers pointing left as left arm comes across hand bent at knuckles ending with back of fingers inside right forearm, slide left arm forward until left fingertips are inside of right palm
3&4step left out to left side while bringing arms across to left side with left arm up bent at elbow and right arm bent at elbow across in front of chest, pull left hand inward pointing towards left shoulder as right hand follows underneath left fingers ending with right fingers underneath left with right palm facing down, slide right hand down to inside of left elbow
&5&6slightly bending knees leave right arm in place sliding left arm down so left fingers are back on the back of right fingers, slide left fingers over to right elbow, drop right elbow extending right arm up fingertips pointing up and left elbow pointing to left with left fingers around right elbow, straighten out left fingers as you push right elbow to right side letting back of right hand come into the palm of left
7&8extend both hands upwards palms together fingertips pointing up, make a circle with hands (out and into body), releasing palms slightly bending body forward palms coming back together with fingertips pointing down
[40-48] Tut
1-2keeping palms together and pointing down bring hands up towards chest, leaving hands where they are straighten body up slightly
3-4lean chest back down to hands, extend hands down
5-6extend both hands out to either side fingertips pointing down, roll right hand up so palm faces up
7-8roll left hand up so palm faces up, lift head and look forward
[49-56] 1/2 turn paddle with spring back
1-2stand up straight with hands still extended, chug 1/8 turn to left on right foot, let upper body go a bit further, return upper body to neutral
3-4chug 1/8 turn to left on right foot, let upper body go a bit further, return upper body to neutral
5-6chug 1/8 turn to left on right foot, let upper body go a bit further, return upper body to neutral
7-8chug 1/8 turn to left on right foot, let upper body go a bit further, hold (Note: can be a little less than 1/2 turn)
[57-66] sweep backs, out out, arm pop
1-2sweep right leg back dropping arms making the turn back to the front wall
3&4step back on right, step back on left, step out on right
5-6with right arm bent at elbow bring across body down at waist level, slide right arm back to right
&-7slide right arm forward across body at waist level, bring right arm up to shoulder level
8&1-2slide right arm back to right side, push right arm slightly to left, push right arm further to left, make 1/4 turn left extending right arm fully
B Pattern.... 64 counts - This pattern starts on count 3
[3-8] Rock step back, rock/recover, 1/2 turn triple
3&4rock forward on right, recover on left, step back on right
5-6press forward on left, recover on right
7&8make a 1/2 turn over left as you shuffle left, right, left
[9-16] 1/2 turn with hitch, crossing heel grind, 1/4 turn out out
1-2make a 1/2 turn over left while hitching up right
3&cross right over left grinding right heel, step left to left side
4&cross right over left grinding right heel, step left to left side
5&cross right over left grinding right heel, step left to left side
6&cross right over left grinding right heel, step left to left side
7&8make 1/4 turn right stepping right to right side, step left out to left side, swinging both arms back slightly as you bend knees and roll body up from knees to chest
[16-24] hold, switch steps, step hold, switch steps
1-2hold, tap right heel forward
&3&4bring in right foot, tap left heel forward, bring in left foot, step forward on right as you drop right shoulder forward
&6&7bring in right foot, tap left heel forward, bring in left foot, tap right heel forward
&8bring right foot in, step forward on left as you drop left shoulder forward
[25-32] Side step, with tut
1&2step left out to left side. as you bring both arms in front of chest, bent at elbows, left arm on top of right(1), slide right arm to right, left arm to left until left palm is on the back of right hand(&), extend right arm forward as you keep left hand on top of right arm, letting right arm slide underneath left hand until left hand is at elbow joint(2).
&3-4bend right arm at elbow up towards you as you flex wrist so that right palm is facing down at the same time letting left hand slide up the arm until the left palm is on the back of the right hand(&) drop left elbow down so that left forearm is straight up and down, as you lift right elbow up keeping left hand on the back of the right(3) slide right hand down to the inside of the left elbow(4).
5-6bring both hands up slightly as you touch index fingers together, bring right hand out and down to the right, bring left hand out and down to the left, like your drawing a big circle with your fingers.
7-8reverse the circle back up
[33-40] forward steps on heels, back steps, side behind, unwind 3/4, 1/2, swing hitch step
&1step forward and out on right heel, step out on left heel
&2step back on right, step back on left
&3-4step right to right side, hook left behind right, unwind 3/4 turn weight ending on left
5-6step forward on right, make 1/2 turn pivot over left
7-8swing right leg forward hitching it up as you skip on left, step forward on right
[41-48] heel swivels, 1/2 turn, switch steps X3, side step
&1-2on heel of right and ball of left swivel right toe to right and left heel to left, make 1/2 turn pivot over left shoulder
&3-4slide left foot back as you slide right foot forward, slide right foot back as you slide left foot forward, hold (travel back slightly during these steps)
&5-6slide left foot back as you slide right foot forward, slide right foot back as you slide left foot forward, hold (travel back slightly during these steps)
&7-8slide left foot back as you slide right foot forward, slide right foot back as you slide left foot forward, hold (travel back slightly during these steps)
[49-56] Body pumps, arm throw
1-2-3-4step left out to left side, pulse body (x3)
5bring right arm up and over like throwing a baseball to the left palm open
6-7-8continue extending right arm forward as you close fingers sequentially from pinkie to thumb
[57-64] heel grind crosses , 1/4 turn rock/recover, 1/2 turn, 1/2 turn hitch
1&2cross right over left, step left to left side, cross right over left
&3-4step left to left side, cross right over left, rock left out to left side
5-6recover making 1/4 turn left, make 1/2 turn over left stepping forward on left
7-8make 1/2 turn sweep over left shoulder ending with weight on left right foot touch beside left
Tag: 16 counts
[1-8] ticking Steps forward
1-2pick up right foot slightly, pick up right foot a little more, 3-4 extend right foot slightly, step down forward on right 5-6 pick up left foot slightly, pick up left foot a little more, 7-8 extend left foot slightly, step down forward on left
[9-16] ticking Steps forward
1-2pick up right foot slightly, pick up right foot a little more,
3-4extend right foot slightly, step down forward on right
5-6pick up left foot slightly, pick up left foot a little more,
7-8extend left foot slightly, step down forward on left
C Pattern – 32 counts
[1-8] Pony steps back, with arm raises X4
1&2step back slightly on right, step together with left, step back slightly on right, with arms down by your side
3&4step back slightly on left, step together with right, step slightly back on left, with hands coming to waist high
5&6step back slightly on right, step together with left, step back slightly on right, with hands to your chest
7&8step back slightly on left, step together with right, step slightly back on left, with hands up and out to either side
[9-16] Repeat counts 1-8
1&2step back slightly on right, step together with left, step back slightly on right, with arms down by your side
3&4step back slightly on left, step together with right, step slightly back on left, with hands coming to waist high
5&6step back slightly on right, step together with left, step back slightly on right, with hands to your chest
7&8step back slightly on left, step together with right, step slightly back on left, with hands up and out to either side
[17-24] Repeat counts 1-8
1&2step back slightly on right, step together with left, step back slightly on right, with arms down by your side
3&4step back slightly on left, step together with right, step slightly back on left, with hands coming to waist high
5&6step back slightly on right, step together with left, step back slightly on right, with hands to your chest
7&8step back slightly on left, step together with right, step slightly back on left, with hands up and out to either side
[25-32] Repeat counts 1-8
1&2step back slightly on right, step together with left, step back slightly on right, with arms down by your side
3&4step back slightly on left, step together with right, step slightly back on left, with hands coming to waist high
5&6step back slightly on right, step together with left, step back slightly on right, with hands to your chest
7&8step back slightly on left, step together with right, step slightly back on left, with hands up and out to either side
Good luck and have fun!!!!!
Guyton Mundy, Roy Hasidubroto, Will Craig