Close Up The Honky Tonks
Margaret Warren (AUS) - January 2012
Close Up the Honky Tonks - Amber Digby : (Album: Music from the Honky Tonks)
Start after 20 Beats
Stomp, Hold & Clap x 2, Step, Heel, Back, Touch
1,2,3,4Stomp R foot fwd, hold & clap, stomp L foot fwd, hold & clap
5,6,7,8Step fwd on R, touch L heel fwd, step back on L, touch R foot back
Stomp, Hold & Clap, ¼ Turn, Stomp, Hold & Clap, Step, Heel, Back, Touch
1,2,3,4Stomp R foot fwd, hold & clap, turn ¼ L, stomp L foot fwd, hold & clap
5,6,7,8Step fwd on R, touch L heel fwd, step back on L, touch R foot back
Side, Kick, Side, Kick, R Cross Toe Strut, ¼ Turn, L Toe Strut
1,2,3,4Step R to side, kick L in front of R, step L to side, kick R in front of L
5,6,7,8Step R toes across L, drop heel, turn ¼ L & step L toes down, drop heel #
Side, Slide Tog, Side, Heel, Side, Slide Tog, Side, Heel
1,2,3,4Step R to side, slide L next to R, step R to side, step L heel to 45deg.
5,6,7,8Step L to side, slide R next to L, step L to side, step R heel to 45deg. **
Back, Touch Across, Forward, Scuff
1,2,3,4Step back on R, touch L toes across R, step fwd on L, scuff R
Restarts: On Wall 1 (Back) &6 (Front) Only Dance 32 Beats**
(Leave off last 4 beats) start again from beginning
Finish dance at front after 24 Beats #