Ricardo Can't Stay

Angelique Santbergen & Diana Beekers - September 2010
I Can't Stay - Ricardo Munoz

Intro:12 sec. start on vocals

Diagonally toe struts R&L,side rock cross,
1&2& R toe to R side, Step R.heel down, L toe across R,step L.heel down
3 & 4 Rock R to R side, Recover on L, Step R across L
5&6& L toe to L side, Step L heel down, R toe across L, Step R heel down
7 & 8 Rock L to L side, Recover on R, Step L across R

Rock step fwd, recover, full triple turn R ,rock step fwd, recover, shuffle ½ turn L
1 – 2 Rock R fwd, Recover on L
3 & 4 R triple turn on the spot making full turn R, stepping R L R
Ending Wall 7
5 – 6 Rock L fwd, Recover on R
7 & 8 L ¼ turn left, R step beside L, L ¼ turn left. (6)

Step, ¼ turn L, cross shuffle, side rock, behind side cross.
1 – 2 R step fwd, ¼ turn left
3 & 4 Cross step R over L , Step L side, Cross step R over L
5 – 6 Rock L to left side, Recover on R
7 & 8 Step L behind R, R step to R side, Step L across R

Heel dig x2,behind side cross,point fwd and side, Sailor step ¼ turn L
1 & 2 Dig R heel diag. forwards, R hitch, Dig R heel diag. Forwards
3 & 4 Cross R behind L, step L to L side, step R across L
5 – 6 Touch L toe fwd, Touch L toe left side
7 & 8 Cross L behind R, ¼ turn L step L next to R, step L fwd
*******Restart wall 5

Kick ball change 2x, R side step, touch, L side step,together, step fwd
1 & 2 Kick R fwd, Step onto R, Step L fwd
3 & 4 Kick R fwd, Step onto R, Step L fwd
5 – 6 Step R to R side, L touch beside R
7 & 8 L step to left side, Step R together, L step fwd
****** Restart wall 2

Pivot ,full triple turn L,sway left & right, sailor ¼ turn L
1 – 2 R step fwd, ½ turn left
3 & 4 ½ turn L step bkw, ½ turn L step fwd, R step fwd
5 - 6 L. step side sway hips left, R step side sway hips right
7 & 8 Cross L behind R, ¼ turn L step L next to R, L step fwd

Restart wall 2 after 40 counts
Restart wall 5 after 32 counts

Ending wall 7 after 12 counts (full triple turn)
L rock fwd, full triple turn L, step R fwd