Oh Suzannah

Bill Larson (AUS) & Chris Watson (AUS) - October 2007
Oh Suzanna - Yamboo

Start 32 counts in from start of music – 2nd wall starts with vocals

Roll Left Clap, Roll Right Double Clap
1 Step L to side with 1/4 turn L (9:00)
2 Turning 1/2 L, Step R back (3:00)
3 Turning 1/4 L, Step L to side (12:00)
4 Hold with clap
5 Step R to side with 1/4 turn R (3:00)
6 Turning 1/2 R, Step L back (9:00)
7 Turning 1/4 R, Step R to side (12:00)
8 Hold with double clap

Fwd Touch Back Touch, Side Together Side Turn
1,2 Step L fwd, Touch R beside L with clap
3,4 Step R back, Touch L beside R with clap
5,6 Step L to side, Step / Slide R beside L
7,8 Turning 1/4 L, Step L fwd (9:00), Scuff R fwd

Touch Heel Bounce 3x, Walk /Stomp 1/2 turn L
1,2,3,4 Touch R foot fwd, Tap / Bounce R heel 3x (wgt on L) Bending fwd, slap R hand side to side across R knee 4x
5,6,7,8 Turning 1/2 L in a small semi circle Step / Stomp R L R L with hand claps (3:00)

Shuffle Shuffle, Step Pivot Step Touch
1&2 Shuffle fwd: Stepping R L R
3&4 Shuffle fwd: Stepping L R L
5,6 Step R fwd, Pivot 1/2 turn L (9:00 weight on L)
7,8 Step R fwd, Touch L beside R

Begin again.