Or Music: | Here For The Party- Gretchen Wilson |
Show Me Yours- Rick Guard | |
There's a Party At The End Of The World- Jimmy Buffet | |
She Lays IT on The Line- George Strait | |
Monterey Turn, Shuffle, Rock Recover | |
1-4 | Touch R to R, turn 1/2 to R on L foot, Replace stepping on R, touch L to L side, bring L to R |
5 & 6 | Shuffle (R-L-R) to R, |
7-8 | Rock back on L, recover R |
1 & 1/4 L Turning Vine shuffle (variation 1/4 turn L shuffle) Jazz box, bump hip, knee pop | |
9-12 | Step L to L turning 1/4, step R 1/4 to L Continue turning L 3/4, shuffle L,R,L |
(variation for those who do not like to turn) | |
9-12 | step L to L, step R behind L turning 1/4 to L, shuffle L,R,L) |
13-16 | Cross R over L, step back on L, step R next to L |
(keeping weight on R) Bump hip, lift L heel (popping L knee) | |
Toe Heel, Cross Toe Heel, Rock, Crossing Shuffle | |
17-20 | Step L toe to L, step down on L heel, Cross R over L Step Down on R heel |
21-22 | Rock L to L side Recover R |
23&24 | Cross step L over R, step R to R, step L next to R |
Kick, Kick (variation touch, touch) 1/4 turn Sailor. Kick ball step, Kick Ball Touch | |
25-26 | Kick R forward, kick R to R (variation touch R toe forward, touch R toe to R side) |
27&28 | Step R behind L turning 1/4 to R, Step L, Step R |
29&30 | Kick L forward step on ball of L foot, step R |
31&32 | Kick L forward step on ball of L foot, touch R |
Repeat | |