Blue Rodeo
Red Russell (UK)
Blue Rodeo - The Bellamy Brothers
ROCK WITH ½ TURN LEFT, HOLD & SIDE CHASSE1-2Rock forward on left, recover on right3-4Making ½ turn left & step forward on left & hold5-6Step right to side, step left behind7&8Step right to side, left beside right, right to sideROCK, ¼ TURN LEFT, LEFT SHUFFLE FORWARD, HEEL STRUTS9-10Rock left over right-recover on right11&12Make a ¼ turn left with a left shuffle left, right, left13-14Step right heel forward-right toes down15-16Step left heel forward-left toes downPIVOT TURNS TWICE & BOX17-18Step forward on right and pivot ½ turn left19-20Step forward on right and pivot ½ turn left21-22Step right over left, step back left23-24Step right to side, touch left toe beside rightSIDE ROCKS & CROSSOVERS25-26Rock to side on left foot, recover onto right27-28Step left across right and hold29-30Rock to right on right foot, recover onto left31-32Step right foot over left and holdREPEAT
This dance was written for the Blue Rodeo Festival