Bump N Grind
Michelle Perry (UK)
Feel The Same Way Too - The Rankin Family
KICK RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT TWICE, CROSS OVER, SWIVEL FEET1&2Kick right foot out, back to place, kick left foot out back to place&3&4Kick right foot out, back to place, kick right foot out&5&6Bring right back to place, jumping left over right, step right next to left7Swivel on heel of right foot pointing toes ¼ turn to right while swiveling left heel ¼ turn to left on ball of foot. (do not turn body)8Swivel feet back to placeSWIVEL FEET X 3, CROSS OVER, UNWIND9Swivel on heel of left foot pointing toes ¼ turn to left while swiveling right heel ¼ turn to right on ball of foot. (do not turn body)10Swivel feet back to place11Swivel on heel of left foot pointing toes ¼ turn to left while swiveling right heel ¼ turn to right on ball of foot. (do not turn body)12Swivel feet back to place.13Swivel on heel of left foot pointing toes ¼ turn to left while swiveling right heel ¼ turn to right on ball of foot. (do not turn body)14Swivel feet back to place15-16Cross right foot over left, unwind half turn over left shoulderSTOMP TWICE, HEEL TOUCH TWICE, HOOK, HEEL TOUCH, BACK TO PLACE17-18Stomp right, stomp left19-20Right heel forward, back to place21-22Right heel forward, hook right under left knee23-24Right heel forward, back to placeSLOW STEP TO RIGHT, ROCK LEFT & RIGHT, LEFT SIDE SHUFFLE, ½ TURN, ½ TURN25-26Step right foot to side, (over two counts)27-28Step left foot back rocking weight onto left, rock forward on right29&30Step left foot to left side and shuffle31Turn ½ turn over left shoulder and ball of left foot and step right down32Turn ½ turn over left shoulder and ball of right foot and step left downREPEAT