Cappy's Capers
Marlene Cortright (USA)
It's a Great Day to Be Alive - Travis Tritt
TOE TOUCHES1-2Touch right toe out to right. Step right foot in place3-4Touch left toe out to left. Step left foot in placeRIGHT STAR5-8Touch right toe forward in front of left toe, touch right toe out to right side, touch right toe behind left heel, step right foot next to leftLEFT STAR9-12Touch left toe forward in front of right foot, touch left toe out to left side, touch left toe behind right heel, step left foot next to rightCURTSEY LEFT- CURTSEY RIGHT13-16Bending left knee slightly, touch right toe behind left foot, step right foot slightly to right, bending right knee slightly, touch left toe behind right foot, step left foot slightly to leftRIGHT KICK BALL CHANGE17&18Kick right foot forward, return right next to left with weight, shift weight to left footWALK, WALK, WALK, PIVOT TURN19-22Walk forward- right, left, right, do a ½ left shoulder turnWALK, WALK, KICK BALL CHANGE, CLAP, CLAP23-24Walk forward- right, left25&26Kick right foot forward, return right next to left with weight, shift weight to left foot27-28Clap-clapREPEAT