Cheap Seats
Michelle Perry (UK)
The Cheap Seats - The Cheap Seats
RIGHT TOE TOUCH - KNEE POPS1-2Touch right foot out to right side, back to place3-4Bend left knee forward, bend right knee forward as you straighten left5-6Bend left knee forward as you straighten right, touch left foot next to rightLEFT TOE TOUCH - KNEE POPS7-8Touch left foot out to side, back to place9-10Bend right knee forward, bend left knee forward as you straighten right11-12Bend right knee forward as you straighten left, touch right foot next to leftTOES - HEELS - SHUFFLES13-14Touch right toes next to left, touch right heel next to left15&16Right shuffle forward17-18Touch left toes next to right, touch left heel next to right19&20Left shuffle forwardHOP BACK - STOMP21-22Hop back twice on left (alternative steps - walk back right, left)23-24Stomp right, stomp leftTOES - HEELS - SHUFFLES25-26Touch right toes next to left, touch right heel next to left27&28Right shuffle forward29-30Touch left toes next to right, touch left heel next to right31&32Left shuffle forwardHOP BACK - STOMP33-34Hop back twice on left (alternative steps - walk back right, left)35-36Stomp right, stomp leftRIGHT HEEL TOE, LEFT TOE HEEL - RIGHT VINE (ALTERNATIVE STEPS)37-38Step right heel to side, slap right toes down (step right out to side, hold)39-40Step left toes behind right, slap left heel down (step left behind right, hold)41-42Step right to side, step left behind right43-44Step right to side, stomp left next to rightLEFT HEEL TOE, RIGHT TOE HEEL - LEFT VINE (ALTERNATIVE STEPS)45-46Step left heel to side, slap left toes down. (step left out to side, hold)47-48Step right toes behind left, slap right heel down. (step right behind left, hold)49-50Step left to side, step right behind left51-52Step left to side, stomp right next to leftHIP BUMPS, SLIDE, CLAP53-54Step right forward (at 45 degree angle to right) bumping hips twice55-56Slide left up to right, clap hands57-58Step left forward (at 45 degree angle to left) bumping hips twice59-60Slide right up to left, clap handsJAZZ BOX WITH ¼ TURN RIGHT (2)61-62Step right over left, step left back63-64Step right making a ¼ turn over right shoulder, step left next to right65-66Step right over left, step left back67-68Step right making a ¼ turn over right shoulder, step left next to rightMONTEREY TURN69Touch right out to side70Back to place making a ¼ turn over right shoulder on ball of left foot71-72Touch left out to side, step left back to place73Touch right out to side74Back to place making a ¼ turn over right shoulder on ball of left foot75-76Touch left out to side, step left back to placeREPEAT