Cornbread And Chicken
Paula Baker (USA)
Where I Come from - Alan Jackson
STOMP RIGHT FOOT FORWARD (SLIGHTLY DIAGONAL); THREE HEEL BOUNCES, REPEAT WITH LEFT FOOT1-4Lightly stomp right foot forward (slightly diagonal); raise right heel and tap three times (taking weight on last tap) (thumbs in belt loops)5-8Stomp left foot forward (slightly diagonal); raise left heel and tap three times (thumbs in belt loops)HEEL/TOE TOUCHES AND MONTEREY TURNS (2 SETS)1-4Touch right heel forward, touch right toe beside left, point right toe out to side, make ½ turn to right stepping on right5-8Point left toe out to side, touch left toe next to right, touch left heel forward, then step together next to right (weight on left - now facing 6:00)1-8Repeat above steps; when completed you are facing 12:00 againHEEL/TOE TOUCHES AND SHUFFLES1-2Touch right heel forward (leaning body back), touch right toe back (leaning body forward)3&4Shuffle forward (right, left, right)5-6Touch left heel forward (leaning body back), touch left toe back (leaning body forward)7&8Shuffle forward (left, right, left)VINE RIGHT; HEEL JACKS1-4Step to right, step behind with left, step to right, touch with left&5-6Step back on left, touch right heel forward (on a diagonal), hold&7-8Step back on right, touch left heel forward (on a diagonal), holdVINE LEFT WITH ¼ TURN; TWO ½ TURNS1-4Step to left, step behind with right, step ¼ turn left, touch with right5-8Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left on left, step right forward, pivot ½ turn left on left (facing 9:00)REPEAT