Intermediate waltz
Terry Hogan (AUS) & Thomas O'Dwyer (AUS)
Completely - Neal McCoy
1-2Rock/step right foot to the side, rock/replace weight onto left3-4Step right foot forward, rock/step left foot forward5-6Rock backward onto right foot, rock forward onto left 7-8Step forward right-left making full turn left using both steps to turn9-10Step right foot forward, make ¼ pivot turn left taking weight onto left foot11Step right foot across in front of left12Step left foot to the side and make ¼ turn right 13Step right foot backward14-15Step left foot backward, make ½ turn left on ball of left foot & step weight backward onto right foot16Step left foot backward17-18Step right foot backward, make ½ turn right on ball of right foot & step weight backward onto left foot Counts 14 & 17 are steps, not touches 19Step right foot backward20-21Rock/step left foot backward (past right foot), rock forward onto right22Stride/step left foot forward23-24Slide right toes to touch beside left foot, hold 25Step right foot backward26-27Rock/step left foot backward (past right foot), rock forward onto right28Stride/step left foot forward29-30Slide right toes to touch beside left foot & make a full turn left on left foot Keep right foot beside left instep on turn & use both counts to turn 31Step right foot backward32-33Slide left foot backward beside right, rock/step left foot to the side34Rock/replace weight on right foot35-36Touch left foot across behind right, unwind making ½ turn left taking weight onto left foot 37-38Step right foot backward, step left foot beside right39Step right foot forward40Rock/step left foot to the side41-42Rock/replace weight on right foot, step left foot across in front of right 43Rock/step right foot to the side44-45Rock/replace weight on left foot, step right foot across in front of left46-47Unwind making ¾ turn left using both counts to turn Weight finishes on right&48Step left foot slightly backward, step right foot beside left 49Step left foot forward50-51Step right foot beside left foot, step left foot in place52Step right foot backward53-54Step left foot beside right, step right foot in place 55Stride/step left foot forward56-57Make ½ turn left on ball of left foot sliding right foot around (on the floor) to touch right toes forward of left foot, hold58Stride/step right foot forward59-60Make ½ turn right on ball of right foot sliding left foot around (on the floor) to touch left toes forward of right foot, hold 61-62Step left foot forward, hold63Make ½ turn left on left foot stepping right foot behind left (keep right toes on the floor & slide right foot to position so feet are slightly crossed)64Make ½ turn left on ball of right foot & step left foot forward65-66Step right foot beside left, step left foot backward 67Make ¼ turn right & rock/step right foot to the side68-69Rock/replace weight on left, step right across behind left70Step left foot to the side & make ½ turn left71Step right foot forward toward the right diagonal & make ½ turn left72Make ½ turn left on ball of right foot & step left foot down crossed in front of rightREPEAT
On the 5th repetition the music slows & almost pauses as Neal sings "Darlin completely", finish the pattern at count 36 & hold briefly until the music continues & restart the dance from count 1
As in a normal waltz pattern, make the first step of each 3 counts a long or stride step. The dance will feel best if 'stepped out'.