Come Closer 2 Me
Catherine Chew (SG)
Boom Bang-A-Bang - Klaus Hallen
Sequence: ABC, Tag, AB, C-, C, EndingSECTION A (66 COUNTS) (LEFT AND RIGHT CROSS, POINT, HOLD; FORWARD & BACK WALTZ BASIC ¼ LEFT) X 31-3Step left cross over right, point right toe to right, hold4-6Step right cross over left, point left toe to left, hold7-9Step left forward, step right together, step left in place10-12Make a ¼ left step right back, step left together, step right in place13-36Repeat count 1-12 of Section A for another two timesLEFT AND RIGHT CROSS, POINT, HOLD1-3Step left cross over right, point right toe to right, hold4-6Step right cross over left, point left toe to left, holdFORWARD WALTZ BASIC, 1/8 LEFT BACK DRAG1-3Step left forward, step right together, step left in place4-6Make a 1/8 left step right back, drag left toe to right over 2 counts (facing 1:30)LEFT AND RIGHT FORWARD DRAG1-3Step left forward (facing 1:30), drag right toe to left over 2 counts4-6Step right forward (facing 1:30), drag left toe to right over 2 countsFORWARD, RECOVER, ½ LEFT FORWARD, FORWARD LOCK STEP TO RIGHT DIAGONAL1-3Step left forward (facing 1:30), recover back on right, step left forward turning ½ left (facing 7:30)4-6Step right forward (facing 7:30), lock left behind right, step right forward (facing 7:30)FORWARD LOCK STEP TO RIGHT DIAGONAL, STEP SIDE AND DRAG1-3Step left forward to right diagonal, lock right behind left, step left forward to right diagonal4-6Step right to side, drag left toe to right over 2 counts (square off facing 6:00)SECTION B (48 COUNTS) LEFT AND RIGHT BACK TWINKLE1-3Cross left behind right, step right to side, step left in place4-6Cross right behind left, step left to side, step right in place½ LEFT REVERSE TURN, BACK WALTZ BASIC1-3Step left forward, make a ½ left step right back, lock left in front of right4-6Step right back, step left together, step right in place (end facing 12:00)LEFT AND RIGHT BACK TWINKLE, ½ LEFT REVERSE TURN, BACK WALTZ BASIC1-12Repeat count 1-12 of Section B (end facing 6:00)LEFT BACK, RIGHT SWEEP, RIGHT BACK, LEFT SWEEP1-3Step left behind right, sweep right from front to back over 2 counts4-6Cross right behind left, sweep left from front to back over 2 countsBEHIND, ½ LEFT, CROSS, SIDE, DRAG1-3Cross left behind right, make a ½ left step right to right, step left cross over right (end facing 12:00)4-6Step right to side, drag left toe to right over 2 countsCROSS, POINT, HOLD, BACK, POINT, HOLD1-3Cross left over right, point right toe to right, hold4-6Cross right behind left, point left toe to left, holdCROSS, POINT, HOLD, ¼ RIGHT FORWARD, LEFT SWEEP ¾ RIGHT PIVOT1-3Cross left over right, point right toe to right, hold4-6Make a ¼ right step right forward, pivot on right sweep left toe to the right making a ¾ right turn over 2 counts, weight remaining on right (end facing 12:00)SECTION C (54 COUNTS) CROSS, SIDE, BEHIND, RIGHT SWEEP1-3Cross left over right, step right to side, step left behind right4-6Sweep right from front to back over 3 countsBEHIND, SIDE, CROSS, SIDE, DRAG, CLOSE1-3Cross right behind left, step left to side, cross right over left4-6Step left to side, drag right toe to left and close to left (facing 12:00)(¼ LEFT FORWARD WALTZ BASIC & ¼ LEFT BACK WALTZ BASIC) TWICE TO COMPLETE A "DIAMOND"1-3Step left diagonally forward to make a ¼ left (facing 9:00), step right together, step left in place4-6Step right diagonally back to make a ¼ left (facing 6:00), step left together, step right in place7-9Step left diagonally forward to make a ¼ left (facing 3:00), step right together, step left in place10-12Step right diagonally back to make a ¼ left (facing 12:00), step left together, step right in placeFORWARD, HITCH, KICK, RIGHT BACK WALTZ BASIC1-3Step left forward to left diagonal, hitch right knee, kick right forward4-6Step right back, step left together, step right in placeFORWARD, HITCH, KICK, RIGHT BACK WALTZ BASIC1-6Repeat count 25-30 of section c (square off facing 12:00)FORWARD AND BACK WALTZ BASIC1-3Step left forward, step right together, step left in place4-6Step right back, step left together, step right in place(FORWARD, DRAG & BACK, DRAG) TWICE TO COMPLETE A "SQUARE"1-3Step left forward to ¼ left (facing 9:00), drag right toe to left over 2 counts4-6Step right back to ¼ left (facing 6:00), drag left toe to right over 2 counts Section c- ends here7-9Step left forward to ¼ left (facing 3:00), drag right toe to left over 2 counts10-12Step right back to ¼ left (facing 12:00), drag left toe to right over 2 counts When dancing C-, dance till Count 48 of Section C (omit the last 6 counts). You will be facing 6:00 and restart the Section CTAG (12 COUNTS) (LEFT AND RIGHT FORWARD CROSS TWINKLES) TWICE (TRAVELING FORWARD)1-3Step left cross over right, step right to side, step left in place4-6Step right cross over left, step left to side, step right in place7-12Repeat count 1-6 of this sectionENDING (6 COUNTS) CROSS, ½ LEFT, FORWARD, HOLD1-3Step left cross over right, make a ¼ left step right to right, make another ¼ left step left to left4-6Step right forward, hold for 2 counts (facing 12:00)