Cowboy Cha Cha (Colorado) (P)
Manny Rodela & Alice Rodela
Position: Horseshoe, Cape, or Lady's skaters position with lady on the man's right 1-2Step forward rocking onto right foot, rock back onto left foot3&4Cha-cha or triple steps going backward (right, left, right)5-6Step back rocking onto left foot, rock forward onto right foot7&8Cha-cha or triple steps forward doing a half turn right (left, right, left) Man shifts left arm behind the lady or in skater's position as they turn 9-10Step back rocking onto right foot, rock forward onto left foot11&12Cha-cha or triple steps forward doing a half turn left (right, left, right) Man shifts right arm behind the lady or skater's position as they turn13-14Step back rocking onto left foot, rock forward onto right foot15&16Cha-cha or triple steps forward doing a quarter turn right (left, right, left) Lady stays in place as the man pivots the couple ¼ turn to the right around the lady 17Step forward with right foot Couple raises left arms and releases right hands as man pivots left under left arms18Half turn left on balls of feet shifting weight to left foot Couple finishes the turn with weight on left foot and left arms down in front of lady19&20Cha-cha or triple steps forward (right, left, right) Couple will have lady's right arm behind man in skater's position21Step forward with left foot Couple raise left arm and release right hands as they pivot under left arms22Half turn right on balls of feet shifting weight to right foot23-24Step forward rocking onto left foot, rock back onto right foot25-26Rock forward onto left foot, rock back onto right foot Couple should be man's belly to lady's back (sweetheart hug) so steps 23-26 are hip sways 27&28Cha-cha or triple steps forward (left, right, left) Finishes the dance at the new wall moving slightly forwardREPEAT