Cripple Creek
Kip Sweeny (USA)
Cripple Creek (feat. Knee Deep) - Jim Rast
TOE-HEEL, SHUFFLE IN PLACE; TOE-HEEL, SHUFFLE IN PLACE1-2Touch right toe beside left instep; touch right heel beside left instep3&4Step on right foot; step left beside right; step on right foot5-6Touch left toe beside right instep; touch left heel beside right instep7&8Step on left foot; step right beside left; step on left footKICKS9&Kick right foot out at 45 degree angle (2:00); step right foot beside left10&Kick left foot out at 45 degree angle (11:00); step left foot beside right11&Kick right foot out at 45 degree angle (2:00); step right foot beside left12&Kick left foot forward; holdROCK STEP FORWARD; ROCK-STEP BACK; SIDE SHUFFLE13Rock step forward onto left foot14Rock step backward onto right foot15&16Step left foot to left side; step right together; step left foot to left sideFORWARD SHUFFLES17&18Step forward on right; step left together; step forward on right19&20Step forward on left; step right together; step forward on left21&22Step forward on right; step left together; step forward on right23&24Step forward on left; step right together; step forward on leftRIGHT GRAPEVINE; LEFT GRAPEVINE Hand motions: Brush hands down, then up, then clap, then snap fingers on both regular grapevines25-26Step right foot to right side; cross-step left behind right27-28Step right foot to right side; touch left beside right29-30Step left foot to left side; cross-step right behind left31-32Step left foot to left side; touch right beside leftRIGHT GRAPEVINE WITH ½ TURN; LEFT GRAPEVINE33-34Step right foot to right side; cross-step left behind right35Step right foot to right side36Pivot ½ turn right while stepping on right foot and hitching left knee37-38Step left foot to left side; cross-step right behind left39-40Step left foot to left side; step right foot beside leftAPPLEJACKS41&With weight on left heel and right toe, swivel right heel to the left; return to center42&Change weight to left toe and right heel and swivel left heel to the right return to center43&Change weight back to left heel and right toe and swivel right heel to the left; return to center44&Swivel right heel to the left again; return to center45&Change weight to left toe and right heel and swivel left heel to the right; return to center46&Swivel left heel to the right again; return to center47&Change weight to left heel and right toe and swivel right heel to the left; return to center48&Change weight to left toe and right heel and swivel left heel to the right; return to center Options for the applejacks steps include swiveling heel together first to the left, to the center; to the right, to the center; to the left, to the center; to the right, to the center.REPEAT