Crazy Indian Frog
Chad Manson (UK)
Crazy Frog In the House - Crazy Frog
ROCKING CHAIR, WALK TWICE, ROCKING CHAIR, PIVOT ¼ LEFT, CROSS1&2&Rock right forward, recover onto left, rock right back, recover onto left3-4Step right forward, step left forward5&6&Rock right forward, recover onto left, rock right back, recover onto left7&8Step right forward, pivot ¼ turn left, cross right over leftSIDE, CLOSE, SIDE CHASSE, HIP BUMPS1-2Step left to left, close right beside left3&4Step left to left, close right beside left, step left to left Use Cuban hip motion for above 4 counts5&6&Step right forward diagonally bump hips forward, back, forward, back7&8Bump hips forward, back, forward (weight on right) For the hip bumps, try bumping up then down, making a C-shapeROCKING CHAIR, WALK TWICE, ROCKING CHAIR, PIVOT ½ RIGHT, ¼ RIGHT SIDE1&2&Rock left forward, recover onto right, rock left back, recover onto right3-4Step left forward, step right forward5&6&Rock left forward, recover onto right, rock left back, recover onto right7&8Step left forward, pivot ½ turn right, ¼ turn right step left to leftBEHIND SIDE, CROSS SHUFFLE, HIP BUMPS1-2Cross right behind left, step left to left3&4Cross right over left, step left to left, cross right over left5&6&Step left forward diagonally bump hips forward, back, forward, back7&8Bump hips forward, back, forward (weight on left) For the hip bumps, try bumping up then down, making a C-shapeSAMBA WHISK, FULL RIGHT SPOT VOLTA TURN1&2Step right to right, step left behind right, step right in place3&4Step left to left, step right behind left, step left in place5&Execute ¼ turn right and step right forward, step onto ball of left in place6&Execute ¼ turn right and step right forward, step onto ball of left in place7&Execute ¼ turn right and step right forward, step onto ball of left in place8Execute ¼ turn right and step on rightSAMBA WHISK, FULL LEFT SPOT VOLTA TURN1&2Step left to left, step right behind left, step left in place3&4Step right to right, step left behind right, step right in place5&Execute ¼ turn left and step left forward, step onto ball of right in place6&Execute ¼ turn left and step left forward, step onto ball of right in place7&Execute ¼ turn left and step left forward, step onto ball of right in place8Execute ¼ turn left step left forwardDIAGONAL FORWARD LOCK, FORWARD SHUFFLE, DIAGONAL FORWARD LOCK, FORWARD SHUFFLE1-2Step right forward diagonally, lock left behind right3&4Step right forward diagonally, step left beside right, step right forward diagonally5-6Step left forward diagonally, lock right behind left7&8Step left forward diagonally, step right beside left, step left forward diagonallyKICK & POINT, & POINT, ¼ RIGHT MONTEREY, WALK AROUND ½ TURN LEFT WITH SHUFFLE (U-SHAPE)1&2Kick right forward, step right beside left, point left to left&3-4Step left beside right, point right to right, ¼ turn right step right beside left5-61/8 turn left step left forward, 1/8 turn left step right forward7&81/8 turn left step left forward, 1/8 turn left close right beside left, step left forward Counts 5-8 completes a ½ turn left, making a U-shapeREPEAT