Crazy Chick
Audrey Watson (SCO)
Crazy Chick - Charlotte Church
BACK 2 3 TOUCH, SIDE TOUCH, SIDE TOUCH1-2Step back on right, step back on left3-4Step back on right, touch left next right5-6Step left to left side, touch right next left7-8Step right to right side, touch left next rightGRAPEVINE LEFT, GRAPEVINE RIGHT1-2Step left to left side, cross right behind left3-4Step left to left side, touch right next left5-6Step right to right side, cross left behind right7-8Step right to right side, touch left next rightFORWARD 2 3 KICK, BACK 2 3 STOMP1-2Walk forward on left, walk forward on right3-4Walk forward on left, kick right forward5-6Walk back on right, walk back on left7-8Walk back on right, stomp left next right (optional clap)FORWARD TOUCH CLAP, FORWARD TOUCH CLAP, WALK FORWARD, STOMP CLAP1-2Step forward on left diagonal, touch right next left (optional clap)3-4Step forward on right diagonal, touch left next right (optional clap)5-6Walk forward on left, walk forward on right.7-8Walk forward on left, stomp right beside left & clap hands Optional: to make it a 4 wall dance change step 7-8 as follows7-8Step forward on left, pivot ¼ right, stomp right next leftREPEAT