El Paso City
Jo Thompson Szymanski (USA)
El Paso City - Marty Robbins
This song is originally from 1976 and was one of my favorite songs that my family square danced to when I was a child. If you use other cha-cha type songs, ignore the tag/bridge.STEP, LOCK, FORWARD SHUFFLE, ROCK, RECOVER, ½ TURN LEFT1-2Step forward with right foot, lock step left in behind right3&4Shuffle forward right, left, right (can be locked)5-6Rock forward with left foot, recover weight back to right foot7&8Shuffle left, right, left turning ½ left1-8Repeat above 8 countsSIDE ROCK, ¼ TURN LEFT, SHUFFLE FORWARD, CONTRA ROCK, RECOVER ¾ TURN RIGHT1-2Rock right foot to right side, turn ¼ left, recover weight forward to left foot3-4Shuffle forward right, left, right5Rock forward with left foot turning shoulders slightly left in a contra body position6Recover weight back to right foot, shoulders square7Step back with left foot, turning ¼ right (pull shoulder back as you go into the turn)&Turn ¼ right, step forward with right foot8Turn ¼ right, step side with left foot As an easier variation of counts 5-8, do a regular rock forward with left foot, recover weight back to right foot, turn ¼ left, step left foot to left side, step together with right foot, step left foot to left sideCROSS ROCK, RECOVER, SIDE SHUFFLE RIGHT, CROSS ROCK, RECOVER, SHUFFLE ¼ TURN LEFT1-2Rock right foot across in front of left, recover weight back to left foot3&4Step right foot to right side, step together with left foot, step right foot to right side5-6Rock left foot across in front of right, recover weight back to right foot7&8Step left foot to left side, turning 1/8 left, step together with right, turn 1/8 left, step forward with left footREPEAT
There is a right count tag/bridge after the 5th, 6th, 11th and 12th repetitions. Rock forward right (1), recover weight back to left foot (2), rock back with right foot (3), recover weight forward to left foot (4). The easiest way to remember this is that at the beginning of each of those repetitions Marty Robbins is singing "El Paso City, by the Rio Grande" which is the chorus. Enjoy it and sing along!