Crazy Chris (UK)
LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT IN PLACE, SQUAT KICK, BEHIND & IN FRONT, FULL TURN SWEEP1&2Starting with feet slightly apart weight on right foot hop/jump/bounce onto left foot, repeat onto right foot, repeat onto left foot, keeping feet shoulder with apart at all times3-4Still keeping feet apart drop body down left, going across to right, then back up right side in semi circle to the left taking both hands in same circle lowering to floor and pulling them in as you straighten up, step left beside right, kick right to right side5&6Step right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left7-8Sharp unwind ½ turn over left shoulder keeping weight on right, sharp unwind ½ turn over left shoulder sweeping left out and aroundBEHIND & IN FRONT, ROCK & CROSS, SIDE BEHIND, ¼ WALK FORWARD LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT1&2Step left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right3&4Rock right to right side, recover onto left, cross right foot over left5-6Step left to left side while hitching right, step right behind left while hitching left7&8¼ turn left stepping forward onto left, step forward onto right, step forward onto leftTOUCH & HEEL, STEP ½ STEP, WALK FORWARD LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT1&2Touch right beside left, step back onto right, dig left heel forward&3&4Step onto left, step forward onto right, ½ turn over left shoulder stepping onto left, step forward onto right For counts 5-6-7&8, imagine your knees are joined together. Squat down in a slightly crouched position5-6As you walk forward left take both knees to left and both hands to left, as you walk forward right take both knees to right and both hands to right7&8Repeat counts 5 and 6, as you step forward left right left straightening up on your last stepTOUCH & HEEL, &SIDE OUT OUT, LUNGE, LUNGE, ¾ SWEEP1&2Touch right beside left, step back onto right, dig left heel forward&3&4Step left beside right, step right to right side, twist both heels out, twist both heels back to place5-6Lean body to left raising left shoulder, lean body to right raising right shoulder7-8While taking weight back onto the left sweep right foot out and around turning ¾ turn over left shoulder, step right beside leftREPEATTAG END OF WALL 7 FACING BACK WALL1-2Brush left shoulder with right hand while transferring weight onto left, brush right shoulder with left hand while transferring weight onto right3-4Punch right fist to left diagonal while transferring weight onto left, leaving right hand forward, punch left fist to right diagonal while transferring weight onto right5-6Thrust hips forward to left diagonal pulling arms back to sides, recover back onto right7-8Step onto left sweeping right out and around turning full turn over left shoulder, step onto rightENDING END OF WALL 12 FACING BACK WALL At end of track there is one cont left facing the back wall jump onto left foot kicking right to right side clicking left fingers across chest