Susanne Fritzsche (SWE)
Fiesta (House Party) - DJ Mendez
SIDE ROCK, TRIPLE IN PLACE TWICE1-2Rock to right side with right foot, rock back weight on left3&4Triple in place, right, left, right5-6Rock to left side with left foot, rock back weight on right7&8Triple in place, left, right, leftSHUFFLE FORWARD TWICE, THREE STEP TURN AND TOUCH9&10Right step forward, slide left foot up to right, right step forward11&12Left step forward, slide right foot up to left, left step forward13-14Right step ¼ turn right, left step ¼ turn right15-16Right step ½ turn right on right and step left foot to right side, touch left foot beside rightROCK BACK, ½ TURN AND HOLD TWICE17Rock back on right foot18Rock forward as you turn ½ to right19Step left beside right20Hold21-24Repeat on left footMAMBO CROSS STEPS AND HOLD TWICE25-26Rock to left side with left foot, rock back weight on right27-28Cross left over right (5th position), hold29-30Rock to right side with right foot, rock back weight on left31-32Cross right over left (5th position), holdSIDE, ROCK BACK, HOLD, HIP BUMPS, HOLD33Step left foot to left side34Rock back on right foot35Rock forward on left foot36Hold37Step right foot forward as you bump right hip forward38Bump left hip back39Bump right hip forward40Hold½ TURN LEFT, BUMP HIPS, HOLD, STEP AND SWEEP ¾ RIGHT, ROCK41Step back on left as you turn ½ left42Step forward as you bump right hip forward43Bump left hip back and step on left foot44Hold (weight should be on left foot)45Step forward right foot as you start turning right46-47&Sweep ¾ right with left foot and step on left foot when you're done48Touch right toe backREPEATTAG When you dance the first wall, you'll stop at count 39 and skip count 40. Replace count 40 with40Bump left hip back and take weight on left Start the dance all over again from count 1 and dance right through it