Lorraine Deering (AUS)
You're the Best Friend - Isla Grant
WALTZ FORWARD, WALTZ BACK1-2-3Turn ΒΌ turn left step left forward, step right together, left together4-5-6Step right back, step left together, step right togetherTWINKLE RIGHT, TWINKLE LEFT1-2-3Step left across right, step right together, step left together4-5-6Step right across left, step left together, step right togetherFORWARD LIFT, BACK AND TOUCH1-2-3Step forward on left, lift right forward, hold4-5-6Step back on right, touch left together, holdBACK LIFT, BACK AND TOUCH1-2-3Step left back, lift right leg forward, hold4-5-6Step right back, touch left together, holdREPEAT