Carol Green (AUS)
Hokonui Hills - Craig Giles
This dance was written to utilize the feel of the music which is Maori (New Zealand) in flavor. The hand jive section is similar to the Maori Haka Dance4 BACK TRAVELING SHUFFLES1&2Cross right foot behind left foot, rock left foot to left, recover right foot1&2Cross left foot behind right foot, rock right foot to right, recover left foot1-4Repeat above 4 countsREVERSE BASKETBALL 4; 2 BACK TOE STRUTS1-2Rock right foot back, turning ½ right recover left foot1-2Repeat above 2 counts1-4Touch right toe back, transferring weight to right foot drop right heel, touch left toe back, transferring weight to left foot drop left heelFORWARD, LOCK, FORWARD, BRUSH, TWICE SLOW PADDLE TURN 41-8Step right foot forward, lock left foot behind right foot Step right foot forward, brush left foot past right foot Step left foot forward, lock right foot behind left foot Step left foot forward, brush right foot past left foot1-4Rock right foot forward, hold, turning ¼ left recover left foot, hold1-4Repeat above 4 countsRIGHT HEEL DROP 4, LEFT HEEL DROP 4, 4 BACK CROSSED TOE STRUTS1-4With ball of right foot still on floor turn diagonally right & drop right heel 4 times1-4With ball of left foot still on floor turn diagonally left & drop left heel 4 times1-2Turning to face front swing right foot behind left foot and touch right toe back, transfer weight to right foot, dropping the right heel1-2Turning to face front swing left foot behind right foot and touch left toe back, transfer weight to left foot, dropping the left heel1-4Repeat above 4 countsRUN BACK 2, COASTER STEP, FORWARD RUN 2, CLOSE, DUAL HEEL DROP1-2Step back right foot, step back left foot1&2Step right foot back, close left foot to right foot, step right foot forward1-2Step forward left foot, step forward right foot1-2Close left foot to right foot, raise both heels, drop both heels4 SLOW FORWARD STOMPS WITH ARM JIVE1-2Bending knees slightly stomp right foot forward and at the same time pushing right arm out from waist height with palm down and shaking hand slightly, hold1-2Stomp left foot forward (so feet are shoulder width apart) and at the same time pushing left arm out from waist height with palm down and shaking hand slightly, hold1-2Stomp right foot forward with left arm still extended slap top of left arm with right hand, hold1-2Stomp left foot forward extending right arm again and slap top of right arm with left hand, holdREPEATTAGS In the 4th sequence do the dance to beat 32 and then do beats 57-64 then start the dance again In the final (7th) sequence do the dance to beat 12 then bending the knees slightly do the following:1-8Stomp right foot to right, hold, stomp left foot to left hold Straighten legs, stomp, stomp right foot to center, hold Stomp left foot along side right foot, hold