Hmmm, Done It
Vera Williams (UK)
Love Gets Me Every Time - Shania Twain
RIGHT KICK BALL CHANGES, SAILOR SHUFFLES1Kick right foot forward&Step on ball of right foot next to left2Shift weight onto left foot3&4Repeat beats 1&25Cross right foot behind left and step&Step slightly to the left on left foot6Step right foot next to left7Cross left foot behind right and step&Step slightly to the right on right foot8Step left foot next to rightFORWARD SHUFFLE, TO THE RIGHT MILITARY PIVOT, TURNING SHUFFLE, ROCK STEPS9&10Shuffle forward right-left-right11Step forward on left foot12Pivot ½ turn to the right on ball of left foot and shift weight to right foot13&14Shuffle forward left-right-left making a ½ turn to the right15Step back on right foot while lifting left foot slightly16Step forward onto left footTURNING TRIPLES17Step forward on right foot&Step slightly to the left on left foot making a ¼ turn to the left with the step18Step right foot next to left19Step left foot next to right&Step slightly to the right foot making a ¼ turn to the left with the step20Step left foot next to right21Step right foot next to left&Step slightly to the left on left foot making a ¼ turn to the left with the step22Step right foot next to left23Step left foot next to right&Step slightly to the right on right foot, making a ¼ turn to the left with the step24Step left foot next to rightRIGHT KICK BALL CROSSES, HEEL SWITCHES25Kick right foot forward&Step right foot next to left26Cross left foot in front of right and step27Step right foot next to left28Kick left foot forward&Step left foot next to right29Cross right foot in front of left and step30Step left foot next to right31Touch right heel forward&Step to home on right foot32Touch left heel forward&Step left foot to home33Touch right heel forward&Step right foot to homeCROSS STEP, LEFT KICK BALL CROSSES, SIDE SHUFFLES AND PIVOTS34Cross left foot over right and step35Step right foot next to left36Kick left foot forward&Step left foot next to right37Cross right foot in front of left and step38Step left foot next to right39&40Shuffle sideways to the right (right-left-right)&Pivot ½ turn to the right on ball of right foot41&42Shuffle sideways to the left (left-right-left)&Pivot ½ turn to the left on ball of left foot43&44Shuffle sideways to the right (right-left-right)HEEL SWITCHES, FORWARD STEP, STEP, SIDE SHUFFLES AND PIVOTS45Touch left heel forward&Step left foot to home46Touch right heel forward&Step right foot to home47Step forward with a long step on left foot48Step right foot next to leftSIDE SHUFFLES AND PIVOTS, HEEL SWITCHES, FORWARD STEP49&50Shuffle sideways to the left (left-right-left)&Pivot ½ turn to the left on ball of left foot51&52Shuffle sideways to the right (right-left-right)&Pivot ½ turn to the right on ball of right foot53&54Shuffle sideways to the left (left-right-left)55Touch right heel forward&Step right foot to home56Touch left heel forward&Touch left to home57Step forward with a long step on right foot58Step left foot next to rightRIGHT KICK BALL CHANGES WITH TURN59Kick right foot forward&Step on ball of right foot next to left60Shift weight onto left foot61Kick right foot forward&Step on ball of right foot next to left making a ¼ turn to the left62Shift weight. Onto left footSYNCOPATED TOE TOUCHES63Touch right toe forward&Step right foot to home64Touch left toe forward&Step left foot to home65-66Touch right toe forward, twice&Step left foot to home67Touch left toe forward&Step left foot to home68Touch right to forward&Step right foot to home69-70Touch left toe forward twice71Touch right toe forward&Step right foot to home72Touch left toe forward&Step left foot to homeFORWARD STEP, HIP BUMPS, HIP GRINDS73Step forward with a long step74Step left foot next to right75-76Bump hips to the right twice77-78Bump hips to the left twice79Rotate hips to the left to the right80Rotate hips to the left to the left81-82Repeat beats 79 and 80FORWARD SHUFFLE, MILITARY PIVOT TO THE LEFT, FORWARD SHUFFLE, STOMPS83-84Shuffle forward (right-left-right)85Step forward on left foot86Pivot ½ turn to the right on ball of left foot and shift weight to right foot87&88Shuffle forward (left-right-left)89Stomp right foot next to left90Stomp left foot next to right (stomp down)REPEAT