High-Tide Rumba (L/P)
Improver line/partner dance
Todd Lescarbeau (USA)
The Tide Is High - Blondie
RUMBA BOX1-2Step left foot forward, step to side on right foot3&4Triple step in place (left, right, left) making sure to move hips with steps5-6Step back on right foot, step to side on left foot7&8Triple step in place (right, left, right) making sure to move hips with stepsROCK STEP, TRIPLE STEP WITH ½ TURN TO THE LEFT, ROCK STEP, COASTER STEP1-2Rock forward onto left foot, rock back on right (starting a ½ turn to the left)3&4Continue to turn to the left while executing a triple step (left, right, left)5-6Rock forward onto right foot, rock back on left (no turn)7&8Step back on right, quickly step left next to right, step right forward½ PIVOT TURN TO THE RIGHT, ¼ PIVOT TURN TO THE RIGHT, BALL-CROSSES, KICK1-2Step forward on ball of left foot, turn ½ to the right (weight on right.)3-4Step forward on ball of left foot, turn ¼ to the right (weight on right.)5&6&Step ball of left foot over right, quickly step right foot to side, step ball of left foot over right quickly step right foot to side7-8Step ball of left foot over right, turning to face 45 degrees left, kick back with right footBALL-CROSSES, KICK BACK, CROSS, KICK, CROSS, UNWIND When doing the ball-crosses your body will be angled (45 degrees)1&2&Step ball of right foot over left, quickly step left to side, step ball of right foot over left, quickly step left to side3-4Step ball of right foot over left, turning to face 45 degrees right back with left foot5-6Step on left foot crossing in front of right, kick right foot to side7-8Cross right foot over left, unwind (to the left) transfer weight to right foot For styling, on count 8, flip foot back while nodding head back. Some choreographers refer to this as a "calypso" walkREPEATPARTNER DESCRIPTION Dancers will follow the same footwork as if they were dancing it as a line dance. Dancers should start in a "tandem" position with the gentleman in front of the lady, Hands are joined at the man's waist. This is a fixed pattern stationary dance and therefore would be danced within the center of the floor (depending on what etiquette you follow) as opposed to a progressive dance that follows Line Of Dance (LOD) When executing the ½ turn to the left (beats 9,10) gent will release his right hand and raise his left hand up and over his partner's head (you should now be in a tandem style position with the lady now in front of the gent) For beats 17, 18, raise right hands up while turning ½ to the right. On ¼ turn to the right, gent will bring right hand down behind his partner's head rejoining left hands (you should now be in right side-by-side or "sweetheart's position" with gent slightly behind his partner. Both dancers will face 45 degrees to right going into the ball- cross steps The ball-cross steps are similar to the "samba chasse". Stepping on the ball for the whole beat, quickly stepping to the side with the other foot For count 29, drop right hands and raise left hands up. On count 30 when unwinding, bring left hand down at waist level, rejoining right hands (dancers should now be back in starting position).