Honky Tonk Honk
Pepper Siquieros (USA)
Honk If You Honky Tonk - George Strait
TOE-HEEL, TOE-HEEL, TOUCH-KICK, COASTER STEP1-2Touch right toe forward, put right heel down shifting weight to right foot3-4Touch left toe forward, put left heel down shifting weight to left foot5-6Turn right knee in and touch right toe to left instep swiveling left heel to right, kick right foot forward on right diagonal while swiveling left toe to right7&8Step back on right foot, step left foot next to right foot, step forward on right footTOE-HEEL, TOE-HEEL, TOUCH-KICK, COASTER STEP1-2Touch left toe forward, put left heel down shifting weight to left foot3-4Touch right toe forward, put right heel down shifting weight to right foot5-6Turn left knee in and touch left toe to right instep swiveling right heel to left, kick left foot forward on left diagonal while swiveling right toe to left7&8Step back on left foot, step right foot next to left foot, step forward on left footLINDY SHUFFLE, ROCK STEP, LINDY SHUFFLE ½ TURN, SIDE ROCK1&2Shuffle to right side right, left, right3-4Rock back on left foot, recover weight to right foot5&6Shuffle to left side left, right, left and make a ½ turn to your right7-8Rock to right side on right foot, recover weight to left footWEAVE TO LEFT, HEEL JACKS1&Cross right foot behind left foot, step left foot to left side2&Cross right foot over left foot, step left foot to left side3&Cross right foot behind left foot, step left foot to left side4Cross right foot over left foot&5Step back on left foot, tap right heel forward&6Step right foot next to left foot, cross left foot over right foot&7Step back on right foot, tap left heel forward&8Step left foot next to right foot, tap or stomp with no weight right foot next to left foot (weight ends on left foot)REPEAT
If you want to stay on phrase with this song (it's more fun) add this easy 4 count (two ½ pivots) tag after the 2nd wall only.
1-4Step forward on right foot, pivot ½ left, step forward on right foot, pivot ½ left (weight ends on left foot)