I'd Love To Lay You Down
Sandy Zook (USA)
I'd Love to Lay You Down - Conway Twitty
WALK TWICE, KICK, STEP BACK, BACK-BALL-CROSS1-2Right step forward, left step forward3-4Right kick forward, right step back5&6Left step back, step right to right side, cross left in front of rightWALK TWICE, KICK, STEP BACK, BACK-BALL-CROSS1-2Right step forward, left step forward3-4Right kick forward, right step back5&6Left step back, step right to right side, cross left in front of rightPOINT, CROSS TWICE1-2Point right toe to right, cross right in front of left3-4Point left toe to the left, cross left in front of rightSTEP, ½ PIVOT, ROCK STEP, STEP, SLIDE, HOLD, STOMP1-2Step right foot forward, & pivot ½ turn left3-4Step forward right, step back on left5-6-7Large step right foot to right, slowly slide left foot next to right for 2 counts8Stomp left foot (weight is now on the left foot)STEP, ½ PIVOT, ROCK, RECOVER, SAILOR, ¼ TURN SAILOR1-2Step right foot forward, & pivot ½ turn left3-4Step forward right, step back on left5&6Step right behind left, step on left beside right, step on right beside left7&8Step left behind right, step on right beside left, step left ¼ turn to leftREPEAT
Sometimes hold for next phrase of song.