If I'm Gonna Sink
DJ Dan (NL) & Wynette Miller (NL)
If I'm Gonna Sink (I Might As Well Go To The Bottom) - Neko Case
TOE STRUTS FORWARD WITH SHIMMY; TOE TOUCHES FORWARD-SIDE, STOMP UP TWICE1-2With shimmy shoulders step on right toe forward, drop right heel3-4With shimmy shoulders step on left toe forward, drop left heel5-6Touch right toe forward, touch right toe to right side7-8Stomp right next to left twiceVINE RIGHT, TOUCH; POINT - CROSS HITCH TWICE9-12Step right to right side, cross left behind right, step right to right side, touch left next to right13-14Point left toe to left side, hitch left across right knee15-16Point left toe to left side, hitch left across right kneeVINE LEFT WITH ¼ TURN LEFT, TOUCH; KNEE ROLLS17-20Step left to side, cross right behind left, step left ¼ turn left, touch right next to left21-22Roll right knee out in 2 counts23-24Roll left knee out in 2 counts& JUMP, HOLD, & JUMP, H0LD; HIP BUMPS&25-26Jump forward right, left, hold & clap&27-28Jump forward right, left, hold & clap29-30Step right slightly to right side bump hips right twice31-32Bump hips left twiceREPEATTAG After wall 1, 2, 5, 6, 10, 111-4Step right forward, hold, pivot ½ turn left, holdRESTART Restart on wall 7 after count 20 Dance pattern; 36-36-32-32-36-36-20 restart-32-32-36-36-19 end 12:00