What's In It For Me
Michelle Better (USA)
What's In It for Me - Faith Hill
¾ TURN LEFT, SHUFFLE FORWARD, JUMPING JACK, SLOW TURN1&2&Step left foot in back & to the right of the right foot & pivot ¾ turn left3&4Shuffle forward left, right, left (step forward onto left foot, slide right foot up next to left, step forward onto left foot)5-6Jump and land on both feet with feet apart, jump and land with right foot crossed over left7-8Pivoting on the sole of left foot unwind one half turn to left and end with weight on right footOPTIONAL SYNCOPATED JUMPING JACK5-6Step onto sole of left foot slightly out to left side, step onto sole of right foot slightly out to right side. Step onto sole of left foot in home position, cross right over left and touch toeSHUFFLE, SHUFFLE, TURN, TOUCH1&2Shuffle forward left, right, left (step forward onto left foot, slide right foot up next to left, step forward onto left foot)3&4Shuffle forward right, left, right (step forward onto right foot, slide left foot up next to right, step forward onto right foot)5Step left foot straight back6Step right foot back while making ¼ turn to right7Pivoting on the sole of right foot cross left foot over right foot and unwind ½ turn to right and end with weight on left foot&8Slide right foot to meet left foot and touch rightSTRUTTING TOE TOUCHES AND HIP BUMPS, STEP BACK1&2Touch right toe forward to right, bump right hip to right side, snap right heel down and hold (moving forward)3&4Touch left toe forward to left, bump left hip to left side, snap left heel down and hold (moving forward)5&6Touch right toe forward to right, bump right hip to right side, snap right heel down and hold (moving forward)7&Touch left toe forward to left, bump left hip to left side8Step directly backward left foot In place of touching your feet forward and the hip bumps; you can use knee hitchesSHUFFLE, COASTER STEP, STOMP AND TURN, BRUSH1&2Shuffle backward right, left, right (step backward onto right foot, slide left foot back next to right, step backward onto right foot)3&4Step back on left, step right beside left, step forward on left5Stomp right foot forward&6-½ turn to the left; transfer weight to left7&8Scuff right forward, hitch right knee, stomp rightSAILOR STEPS, THE DWIGHT (WHAT WE CALL TRAVEL)1&2Step onto left foot crossing behind right, step onto sole of right foot to right side, step onto left foot slightly to the left or replace weight in position3&4Step onto right foot crossing behind left, step onto sole of left foot to left side, step onto right foot slightly to right side or replace weight in position5With weight on left toe, twist left heel right while lifting right knee in front of left leg6With weight on left heel, shift left toe right & touch right toe next to the left7With weight on left toe, shift left heel right while lifting right knee in front of left leg8With weight on left heel shift left toe rightKICK TO SIDE, CIRCLE BEHIND, KICK TO SIDE, CIRCLE BEHIND, SAILOR SHUFFLES1-2Kick right toe to right side, circle back and cross behind left foot in circular motion keeping right toe in contact with the floor. (stretch upper body skyward as you point right toe down to create a long extended look)3&4Cross behind left foot, step onto sole of right foot to left side, step onto left foot slightly to the left or replace weight in position5-6Kick left toe to left side and circle back and cross behind right foot in circular motion keeping left toe in contact with the floor. (stretch upper body skyward as you point right toe down to create a long extended look)7&8Cross behind right foot, step onto sole of left foot to left side, step onto right foot slightly to the right or replace weight in positionGRAPEVINE RIGHT, TOUCH RIGHT, TRAVELING APPLEJACK LEFT1-2Step onto right foot to right side, step onto left foot to right side crossing behind right3-4Step onto right foot to right side, step onto left foot next to right5&6Right heel and left toe to left, left heel and right toe to left, right heel and left toe to left7&8Right heel and left toe to left, left heel and right toe to left, right heel and left toe to leftCHUG ¼ LEFT, CHUG ¼ LEFT, LUNGE RIGHT, SYNCOPATED JUMPING JACK1&2Pivot ¼ turn left and touch right toe out to right side, hitch right knee while pivoting ½ turn left on ball of left foot, touch right toe out to right side3-4Lunge to right side, bring weight back onto left while dragging right back in to meet left (no weight)&5Step onto sole of left foot slightly out to left side, step onto sole of right foot slightly out to right side&6Step onto sole of left foot slightly inward on left side, step onto sole of right foot slightly inward to right side7Slow body roll up bringing weight to right foot8Snap both fingers shoulder width apartREPEATVARIATION ON 5TH WALL AND LAST 7-8 COUNT On the fifth wall there's a break in the music so hold the body roll and do a very slow body roll to take up 7 counts and then snap on the 8th count