Western Wheels
Richard Morison & Ann Trinder
Position: Sweetheart Position 1-2Touch right heel forward, cross right in front of left3-4Touch right heel forward, touch right together 5-6Step right to side & make 1/3 turn to the right, step left together & make 1/3 turn to the right (drop left hands, raise right, & rejoin hands in sweetheart position)7-8Step right to side & make 1/3 turn to the right, touch left toe together9-10Step forward left, pivot turn ½ to the right (raise left hands over lady's head to cross in front of body)11-16Shuffle progressing RLOD left-right-left, right-left-right, left-right-left 17-20Grapevine right, touch left toe together21-24Step left & turn ¼ to the left, step right & turn ¼ to the left, cross left behind right, step right to side (raise left hands over lady's head & return to sweetheart position)25-30Shuffle forward left-right-left, right-left-right, left-right-left31-32Step back right & make turn ¼ to the right, touch left toe together (right arms swing back, left arms raise in front) 33-34Step forward left & make turn ½ to the left, touch right toe together (release left hands & take right arms over lady's head)35-36Step back right & turn ¼ to face RLOD, touch left together (rejoin left hands behind gent's back & raise over lady's head, right arms swing down, left arms raise in front)37-38Step forward left & make turn ¼ to the left, touch right together (release right hands & rejoin in front of gent) 39-40Step back right & turn ¼ to face LOD, touch left together (should now be back in sweetheart position)41-42Step left & make 1/3 turn to the left, step right & make 1/3 turn to the left (raise left hands & drop right)43-44Step left & make 1/3 turn to the left, step right in front of left45-48Swivel heels to right, center, right, center49-50Touch right heel forward, cross right in front of left51-52Touch right heel forward, step right in place 53-54Touch left heel forward, cross left in front of right55-64Shuffle forward left-right-left, right-left-right, left-right-left, right-left-right, left-right-leftREPEAT