Walk The Dog
Mark Cook (UK)
Walking the Dog - Rufus Thomas
KICK, POINT, JAZZ ¼ TURN, POINT RIGHT, LEFT, VINE RIGHT1&2Kick right forward, replace right next to left, point left to left side3&4Cross left over right, step right to right side making ¼ turn left, step left to left side5&6Point right to right side, replace right next to left, point left to left side7&8Cross left behind right, step right to right side, step left forwardKICK, POINT, JAZZ ¼ TURN, POINT RIGHT, LEFT, VINE RIGHT9&10Kick right forward, replace right next to left, point left to left side11&12Cross-left over right, step right to right side making ¼ turn left, step left to left side13&14Point right to right side, replace right next to left, point left to left side15&16Cross left behind right, step right to right side, step left forwardSCUFF, HITCH, STEP BACK, SWIVEL ¼ RIGHT, SAILOR, CROSS ¼ TURN17&18Scuff right forward, hitch right knee, step back on right19&20Swivel right left right, making ¼ turn to right21&22Cross right behind left, step left to left side, step right to right side23&24Cross left over right, recover weight to right, step left to left side, making ¼ turn to left½ PIVOT LEFT, WALK RIGHT, LEFT, SIDE ROCK CROSS, HEEL JACK25-26Step forward right, pivot ½ over left shoulder27-28Walk forward right, then left29&30Rock right to right side, recover weight to left, cross right over left&Rock back on left31&32Dig right heel forward, recover weight onto right, touch left next to rightPOINT FORWARD AND BACK, KICK POINT WITH LEFT AND RIGHT33-34Point left forward, point left behind35&36Kick left forward, replace next to right, point right to right side37-38Point right forward, point right behind39&40Kick right forward, replace right next to left, point left to left sideVINE RIGHT, SIDE ROCK, VINE LEFT WITH ¼ TURN LEFT41&42Cross left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right43-44Rock right to right side, recover weight to left45&46Cross right behind left, step left to left side, making ¼ turn left, step forward on right47-48Rock forward on left, recover weight onto rightSHUFFLE BACK, REVERSE PIVOT, COASTER, SHUFFLE FORWARD49&50Shuffle back left right left51-52Step right behind left, pivot ½ over right shoulder53&54Step right back, step left next to right, step right forward55&56Shuffle forward left right leftROCK, SHUFFLE BACK, REVERSE PIVOT, KICK BALL CHANGE57-58Rock forward onto right, recover weight to left59&60Shuffle back right left right61-62Step left behind right, pivot ½ turn over left shoulder63&64Kick right forward, replace right next to left taking weight on right, replace weight onto leftREPEAT