Waiting All My Life
Teresa Lawrence (UK) & Vera Fisher (UK)
Waiting All My Life - Rascal Flatts
CROSS UNWIND, CHASSE, CROSS ROCK REPLACE, ¼, STEP ½1-2-3&4Cross right behind left, unwind full turn right, chasse left to left side5-6-7&8Cross rock right over left, replace weight on to left, make a ¼ turn right stepping forward on right, step forward on left, pivot ½ turn right (9:00)ROCK FORWARD REPLACE, DIAGONAL SHUFFLE BACK, 3 COUNT BOX, BALL STEP1-2-3&4Rock forward on left, replace weight on right, shuffle back to left diagonal on left (about 7:00 ish) angle body to left slightly5-6-7&8Cross right over left, step back on left, step right slightly to right side, step forward on ball of left, step forward on right (9:00)STEP TOUCH, BACK TOUCH, FORWARD TOUCH, ROCK REPLACE 1 ¼ TRIPLE TURN1-2&3&4Step forward on left, touch right toe next to left, step back on right, touch left toe forward, step forward on left, touch right toe next to left5-6-7&8Rock forward on right, replace weight on left, make 1 ¼ turn right traveling backwards not to right side doing a triple stepping right, left, right (12:00)CROSS ROCK & SIDE & CROSS ROCK & ¼ TURN, ROCK FORWARD REPLACE, ½, STEP, ½1&2&3-4Cross rock left over right, replace weight onto right, step left to left side, cross rock right over left, replace weight onto left make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right5-6-7&8Rock forward on left, replace weight onto right, make ½ turn left stepping forward on left, step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left, weight to end on left (3:00) Tag will be here on wall 2 only, (facing the back wall), then continue with dance from hereWALK WALK MAMBO FORWARD, BACK SLIDE, BACK SLIDE, COASTER CROSS1-2-3&4Walk forward right, left, mambo forward on right5-6-7&8Step back on left, slide right up to left, step back on right, slide left up to right, left coaster cross (3:00)SIDE BEHIND BALL CROSS & UNWIND, STEP BACK HOLD, SHUFFLE1-2&3-4Step right to right side, cross left behind right, step ball of right to right side, cross left over right, unwind ¾ turn right5-6-7&8Step back on right, hold leaving right toe forward with right heel raised slightly, shuffle forward on left (12:00)CROSS ROCK REPLACE, FULL TRIPLE TURN, CROSS ROCK REPLACE, CHASSE ¼ TURN1-2-3&4Cross rock right over left, replace weight on to left, make full turn right to right side doing a triple turn stepping right, left, right5-6-7&8Cross rock left over right, replace weight on to right, chasse left to left side ending with a ¼ turn left (9:00)½ TURN HOLD, MAMBO STEP, STEP FORWARD, ROCK & CROSS, TOUCH1-2-3&4Make ½ turn left & step back on right, hold, mambo step back on left5-6&7-8Step forward on right, rock left out to left side, replace weight on to right, cross left over right, touch right toe out to right side (3:00)REPEAT
On wall 2, facing the back wall, there is an extra 16 counts. You will do the first 32 counts of the dance, up to & including section 4, then you do the tag as below & then carry on the dance from where you left off going into section 5
1-2-3&4Side rock right to right side, replace weight on to left, cross shuffle, right over left5-6-7&8Side rock left to left side, replace weight on to right, cross shuffle, left over right1-2-3&4Rock forward on right, replace weight on to left, shuffle back on right5-6-7&8Rock back on left, replace weight on to right, shuffle forward on left Continue dance from section 5FINISH
Right at the end of the dance you will finish facing the home wall with the toe touch out to right side. Just hold for the extra couple of counts as the music fades out, or, for an ending, if you want to, you can slowly raise both arms out to sides & lower again